You are currently viewing Studio Search: Blog #7 – BIG ANNOUNCEMENT

Studio Search: Blog #7 – BIG ANNOUNCEMENT


We are SO excited to share the news with you that we’ve secured a studio!!! We’re absolutely over the moon and we literally couldn’t have done it without you, so THANK YOU.

As you’ve been following the journey, you’ve seen how tough it is to find the right fit, but then also have our offer accepted. We thought it would actually take longer than this, but this time it happened!

The video we posted in Blog #6 is now officially the VLDL studio.

There’s still at least a month until we can actually get the keys and start the refurbishing process, but we’ve done the first (and possibly hardest) step. YAY!

We’ll keep you up to date here with video diaries of the renovating process and kitting it out. Can’t wait to watch it all come together with you!

All our love and appreciation xx

This Post Has 247 Comments

  1. Lishe

    OMG!!!!!! So excited for you guys!!!! Can not wait to see how you decide to transform the place! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lishe

    I really thought the process was going to take longer too. The place looks so promising! I hope it becomes everything you wish for and more!

  3. Ajoh


  4. Flutterbycat

    This is awesome news! I hope you got it for the price you were hoping for and can’t wait to see the progress

  5. Faithy

    I have been refreshing the page all day waiting for this announcement. So happy for your guys, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

  6. continuumkat

    YAAAAYYYY!!! The place looks amazing! Well done! I’m excited to see how you change the place to make it fully Viva-riffic!!

  7. wraithe

    Super chuffed as for all of you! I cannot *waaaiiit* to see where you go next and how far you take it. So looking forward to the new shows, the new dnd content, watching the new space come together. EXCITING

  8. mondrup92

    So happy for you guys πŸ˜„πŸ₯³ congrats!

  9. zombiedoobie

    Holy cow a VLDL studio. So excited and happy for tall and the community. Can’t wait for all the great things that this will bring forth!! Keep up the fantastic work !

  10. Eoleos

    Heyyy that’s awesome news ! Can’t wait to see all those new sets and contents πŸ˜πŸŽ‰

  11. OddOldOne

    Hell yeah! Congratulations and great choice!

  12. Om512

    Congratulation!!!!!!!!!!! Hope every thing goes well with the purchase and the fitting of the studio.

  13. sonnara66

    AMAZING NEWS!!! So glad you were able to find a place that fit your needs so quickly!! Can’t wait to see all the incredible content you create in your new space!!

  14. Blackfirebird

    That are realy great news. I’m so happy for you guys and i can’t wait to see the process of buildung:)

  15. FMcPP

    That’s fantastic news!

    Just sling up a couple of lights, and a few webcams and you’ll be golden!

    That’s all it takes right? ….. Right?

    Genuinely excited for everyone involved who gets a dedicated place to operate now.

  16. redrooster901

    Ah brilliant. I thought the place looked like a great space. Glad you went with that one.

  17. shelbyrose

    Congratulations you guys! I’m so excited for you and the crew. What great news. πŸ˜€

  18. DemonKitty

    Congratulations!!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  19. pzierhoffer

    Love it! Good luck to y’all, bring us some CONTEEEEENT

  20. Angela

    Hot damn. SO EXCITING! Congratulations!

  21. NavyCop68

    Oh please keep the yellow flashing light slasher closet just off of the entry space!

  22. petersb

    Congratulations! I’m so excited for you!

  23. StealthyDruid

    Holy crap!!! Hell yeah!!! Congratulations guys!! We’re SO excited for you!!! <3

  24. Snoflake_

    Holy crap, that’s so exciting! Oh god, set dressing the Bored space is gonna be a task and a half with all the stock boxes you’re gonna need. Will PlayTech help out with empties for you or will your art department have to print up or scrounge a heap?

  25. ScruffiestOfNerfHerders

    Love the space and so happy for you. You absolutely deserve it. Hope the rest of the staff loves the space and location as well

  26. kesshu

    Wow! Congratulations on the new studio space. Looking forward to the BTS on the renovation and stuff. It’ll probably be quite the journey, but know that we will always stand behind you and hopefully keep you sane and motivated through all of it.

  27. Rimfencer

    What are guys you talking about? What studio? I tipped for a movie – Baelin’s Roots or something. When is it out dudes?

    1. Madacus

      Baelin’s Route. Out on YouTube πŸ™‚

      This is for Kickstarter #2 The Great Expansion

  28. MrDeschain

    So happy for everyone at VLDL, can’t wait to see how it all turns out and the first content coming from it. Yeah about a year away but should be fantastic.

  29. Quark

    Congrats !! Looking forward to the next steps of the journey.

  30. Atreean

    Outstanding stuff, very happy for you guys and the whole team, can’t wait to see the next steps.

  31. AgentWills

    Congrats guys! Looks like a fantastic space! Looking forward to seeing what comes next.

  32. 8bitAndy

    Exciting news! Congratulations! Can’t wait to see your vision realized!

  33. r09u3

    Nice! Congrats, can’t wait to see how you retrofit the space.

  34. aabrashina

    I feel a genuine joy as if it’s me that just found a great studio. Very happy for you and your superb growth!

  35. BZM

    GREAT! So happy for you guys. I am sure it will be so much fun to have a place to call your own. Can’t wait to see you guys transforming it into a real awesome space!

  36. Quicksand

    This is me, excited with the doings

  37. Marc-W

    Excellent news, congratulations! That looked like a great space too so I’m excited to see it turn into your studios. Especially how the sets will fit in.

  38. waxwing

    HOORAY! I’m so happy for you guys! As it happens, I was really taken with that particular building; it just looked like it had so much potential. It’s in pretty good shape too!

  39. talard

    Yay! Congratulations! I really liked this one and I was hoping you guys liked it enough to offer πŸ˜€ and then to get accepted! Thats awesome! Cant wait to see what you do with it all πŸ˜€

  40. zirothos

    Nice congratulations. Good luck with the rest. We will be waiting for more news and great video 😎

  41. clairenthomas

    Awesome! Congratulations guys! Looks like a great space and it will be fun to watch you make it your own!

  42. Cthulhu208

    That’s badass guys! I really liked the last studio you looked at and I’m excited to see what you do to it! Congrats!

  43. TheDruce

    Congratulations on getting a home!! I’m so excited for you guys πŸ™‚

  44. I Zu

    Great news, congratulations! Good luck with the building process.

  45. gregtime71

    Congrats! Finding a location, especially for a project of this magnitude, can certainly be a challenge, but you’ll probably have a few more sleepless nights before the dream takes hold. Having been involved in more than a few location searches and build-outs, organizing contractors (and getting them to complete tasks timely and on budget) ranks right up there with root canals on my to-do list. But it’s that much closer to the dream!

  46. NinaRuna

    *happy dance*
    This is so great, I am really happy for you, guys! <3

  47. Chris

    Super excited for y’all! Congrats! Now for the fun stuff.

  48. Kevin Zimmerli

    Congratulations, guys!!!!

    1. Andry

      I need the keys to the bathroom, & dibs on licking the wall so I own this entire building without any of the responsibilities

  49. AtlantisUnder

    Congrats to the team for renting Ben’s house as your new studio….:P

  50. VocalDrummer

    SUPER excited! Congratulations Sqaud!

  51. Raeje Draeka

    Aaaaaahhh. I’m so happy for you guys. I really liked the studio you chose. It was definitely my favorite from the ones you looked at. I’m not sure what I like the most: the Manager Rowan creeping window, the dark and scary hallway of surprises, or the teaspoon dropping cupboard that is right there as soon as you open the door. I think I like all of them. I’ll be waiting to see what you do with the office maze though. Just don’t get lost because we need you in our lives.

    1. Loopylulu

      Fantastic news! Congratulations guys, can’t wait to see how things progress πŸ₯°

  52. bobradu

    Awesome, can’t wait to see it all decked out

  53. Rasa33

    WooHoo!!! So Much faster than I thought. That’s awesome guys. Congrats! Can’t wait to see the whole process.

  54. RedDragon666

    This is so awesome, so happy for you guys. Much Love.

  55. Saphirah

    Congrats to the entire VLDL team for this massive accomplishment! So happy for all of you and can’t wait to see the rest of the amazing journey you share with us. πŸ™‚

  56. Overlord

    Omg actually feeling the excitement, I can’t wait! Congrats guys! Just going from strength to strength πŸ‘

  57. TextLore52

    That was my favorite one! Glad to hear it worked out and you love it so much as well. Super excited to be on this journey with you.

  58. MaximusFisticus

    Hells Yeah! Well done guys, cant wait to see the progress. Going to be an awesome journey

  59. zachisrisingsun

    Exciting!!!!! Can’t wait to see what this leads to. Thanks for keeping us posted!

    1. xThargor

      That’s AWESOME, Congrats! πŸ˜€

  60. kevinbruce

    Congratulations! So excited that you have your own creative space! Looking forward to some choice content with our favorite NPCs!

  61. Orlana5678

    Wooooo! HYPE HYPE HYPE! Congratulations! Can’t wait to see what you make of it!

  62. fillibar

    Great news. Looking forward to seeing all the stages as it truly becomes your space (not just legally but after all the changes and customization).

  63. billybob8832

    That’s Awesome!!! Congrats guys!!

  64. Bronchitis

    Congratulations!!!! I am feeling excited for you guys. Can’t wait to see more!

  65. TauTau

    Congrats to you GuyΒ΄s, Good Luck for the Building Phase and we will join this Journey XD

  66. TwilightTree

    Fantastic news! Hope it turns into a perfect home for VLDL!!! πŸ’–πŸ₯³

  67. reybrandon

    That’s so great glad to hear the good news.Hope for a quick and easy escrow for you guys. Congratulations

  68. Jdhigginson

    Congrats guys, this is awesome. I know you’ll do all kinds of creative stuff in the new space.

  69. CreativeGardyn

    While I’m super excited about this, the most pressing thing on my attention-scattered brain at the moment is, Adam, where did you get that beautiful knit cardigan, Christmas is only 5 months away and I need to tell my family where to shop for me. Congratulations on the news, looking forward to more progress on the studio!

  70. hannula

    Cool, good luck on renovating and fixing it up

  71. tpsutphin

    That’s awesome, congrats to you all

  72. Jasielau

    Sooo…. who let Bodger take the kickstarter funds to the casino?????? Seriously, great news and it will be interesting to see the end result

  73. Starship420

    Awesome fkasdjfioerndsjkfhior stroke hand Dingo.

  74. Catherjj

    Congrats! It sure is a nice day for a studio

  75. Sigrath

    Holy crap, congratulations! This is a really great space! So quick!

  76. DragonsAreHungry

    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I am SO EXCITED for you guys! Congratulations!!! A really nice thing to watch first thing in the morning!
    Happy over the moon, you made me cry, that is amazing!
    The hardest part is over, now the fun (and losing mind :P) starts, enjoy the ride!

    But also…does that mean….oh no, please donΒ΄t freak me out again with the creepy hallway πŸ™

    1. DragonsAreHungry

      …definitely doing my happy dance after work! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  77. RobinH

    well done guys that is awesome news, this is going to be a huge learning curve for you, as you come up with more than a few new ideas.

  78. HellsLords

    Congratz gentlemen!!! Very happy for you!!! Now the hard part will begin, renovating. It’s often more stressful to renovate a place than anything else. Can’t wait to see this develop into yours truly.

  79. fearsomegnome

    Sweet!!! Congratulations πŸŽ‰

  80. Bill

    Congrats really looking forward to what you do and the progress on the new space. I am really excited to see the before and after.

  81. Helena

    Congratulations!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ So happy for you guys!

  82. DoubleEweAreEx

    Bloody great news!
    Super excited!
    Also, can we put the reply box at the top of the comments πŸ™‚

  83. Christoph

    Congratulations! This place offers so many room and possibilities to make it to your perfect place.

  84. Jade

    Woo! Congrats everyone! Looking forward to see & hear all the build progress updates!

  85. Quaki

    Congrats guys, the space seems amazing and you look super excited! Can’t wait to see what you’re gonnna do with the place!

  86. Acopolypse

    Congratulations guys, there is a lot of work ahead of you, so don’t get lost too much in the details.
    And to be honest you could release these and future videos about the studio on youtube ( with some sponsoring) to earn some extra money. You will need it.

  87. e38383

    That’s fantastic great news. Congrats!

  88. Homebrewed

    Huge! Great stuff – happy for you all!

  89. Anna

    Yesss!!! Congratulations! Can’t wait for all the design stuff videos!

  90. Adina

    Woohoo! Hell yeah! Congrats guys, very exciting, can’t wait to see it all happen!

  91. Kiesp

    Wooh! Amazing! So excited for you guys. Can’t wait to check it out, once you get the keys and start making it your own πŸ˜€

  92. Power2All

    Congratulations boys and girls πŸ™‚

  93. neyluge

    Amazing news guys!! Now the fun begins. can’t wait to follow you in the redesigned and move-in process

  94. Sorn80

    Amazing news. Congratulations. And that on my Birthday. So thanks for the gift πŸ˜€

  95. JinxShot

    Such great news! Well done team! That studio space was awesome, and I love the spooky corridor.

  96. Fusion

    Congratulation guys! Something I was wondering: Are you renting it or are you buying?

  97. harlekwin

    Looking forward to the rest of the journey!
    Do you have a GANTT chart yet for the project?
    Or a schedule?

    So excited!
    Good luck!

    1. Bassandj

      I don’t think they have one yet as they just visited twice without knowing they would get the studio

  98. AirHorse

    Wooo! Nice work guys! Exciting news indeed, can great to see how excited you are too! πŸ™‚

  99. Bassandj

    Let’s freaking go!!! Move fast to keep the momentum! You can renovate one part quickly to already have something functional and renovate little by little the rest with also the previous YouTube money πŸ˜€ congrats guys!!

  100. TitanicDKW

    Beyond thrilled you found a space you all like! I hope the process of fitting everything out goes smoothly, and I look forward to seeing the development! Much love! ❀️

  101. MandaMandi

    Wooow! Congratulations!! This actually made me tear up. So happy for you!

  102. Flex Cannon

    So happy for you guys, can’t wait to see the new home! πŸ€™

  103. StoneWolf

    Woohoooooo, congraaaaats! Can’t wait to see what happens from now on!

  104. Amber Stephens

    WOW! SO Happy for VLDL and the rest of us who watch your content! Cannot wait for the Pub/D&D space!!!

  105. TMagic

    Congratulations I am so happy for you!

  106. aunty_mog

    I’m so happy for you guys. I was a late kick starter backer so I only ever watched your latest blog & that’s the space I most wanted you to get, especially with a built in teaspoon dropping cupboard and the scary janitor’s closet. I hope that in future you guys get more recognition in New Zealand, I only discovered you last year & I’ve seen nearly all the videos you’ve ever made since then. You boys have really put in the hard yards and thoroughly deserve much success, it’s great to see the growth of Viva La Dirt League, and it’s a privilege to be a part of your community. Thank you xox

  107. SalSolo

    Fantastic!!! Congratulations and well done!!
    Looking forward to the next phase!!

  108. Jasper

    Yeah! Great news! Looking forward to it!

  109. trychydts

    Amazing news, congratulations! I am happy to have a small part in this.

  110. JWR

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to see how you guys will transform the space!

  111. sanstey

    Congratulations! It’s going to be amazing!

  112. The Grug

    absolutely amazing! congrtaz to you guys! such an exciting time! being here from the start and seeing you guys grow, and being here to watch you go further is so astounding! I can say, i was there when they found their studio! WOO HOO!!!

  113. firerri999


  114. Midnight

    That is so awesome! Congrats you guys! Long live VLDL!!

  115. AcidXBurn

    Great news guys, looking forward to the refurb just don’t let Baelin do the wiring :)))

  116. BrilLeahnt

    Different, unusual, yeah it’s noice! Congrats VLDL Team, that was much faster than expected. Now the many many meetings begin!… Rowan must be so thrilled about the volume of meetings(!)

  117. Psoma_Brufd

    This is amazing! So happy for you guys, can’t wait to see more and prepare for all the amazing content you guys can then produce!

  118. RunaStormseer

    Congratulations! I’m so happy that you got a space that you’re excited about. Can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  119. paulstartrek

    Awesome guys. Can’t wait to see the place transform. That has always been a wish for me, to see such a huge place be changed into a working studios and office place.

  120. Not_Peter

    Holy cr*p, congratulations guys, soooo happy for you 🀩

  121. Dawid

    That is great guys, congratulations πŸ™‚

  122. Purranoid

    It truly is a great day to get a studio space! So happy to see you guys got it. Huzzah!

  123. 3080

    It is so awesome guys!
    Wish you, your dreams come true!

  124. TheKMJ

    That’s so awesome! Congratulations, looking forward to seeing how you renovate it. πŸŽ‰πŸ‘

  125. n.ehrensperger

    Wooohooo! Congrats on finding and securing a studio this fast. I know youΒ΄ll make it awesome!

  126. G.L.Youki

    Niiiice! Congrats on the studio, it looked much bigger than other places, there will be space to grow and build everything you planned!πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

  127. stannan

    Fantastic news! Can’t wait to follow along with everything to follow!

  128. SandiBD

    Oh dang. I told you to put my pledge on red. Geeze…Seriously though, congratulations. I can’t wait to follow you guys on this journey.

  129. CkHorns06

    CONGRATS!!! Super Excited for all that is ahead for you guys!

  130. DarkDragon2PT

    hypeeeeeeeeeeeeee letssssssssss gooooooooo

  131. CaptainToadUK

    Super awesome news, guys. Congratulations. Can’t wait to see how it becomes transformed over the coming months

  132. NelsonTheCat

    Congratulations! Sort of works with the motto “if i fits i sits”
    The art dept will be happy too I’m sure πŸ™‚

  133. ByHookOrByCrook

    That’s great news …… Congratulations! πŸ™‚

  134. Ashnazai

    That’s AWESOME! And the month wait time should give you plenty of time to plan layout and get construction quotes ready for the handover! Can’t wait to see the process!

  135. godfroi

    That’s awesome! So psyched and thrilled for you guys! And Rowan that hoodie is sweet btw!

  136. orsimertank

    Congratulations!!! Really looking forward to seeing how you make that space your own.

  137. mgc8

    Super congrats, such great news! Now, time to start planning for that spooky room πŸ˜€

  138. countrymamaswithkids

    So excited! I love the space, congrats guys!

  139. hatonyhanzo

    You all deserve this so much. So excited to see the amount of love and effort that goes into this and the amazing content we will see.

  140. Pylonier

    Yes, yes, yes!!! So excited and happy for you guys. Ready for the riiiiide!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€

  141. dan


    You guys are amazing I’m looking forward to seeing how this project progresses.

  142. PlateArmourPiglet

    I’m so incredibly happy for you!!! <3 Can't wait to see how every evolves over the next couple of months!! πŸ˜€

  143. Amarise

    That’s SO exciting, congratulations!! I can’t wait to see what the space becomes, I know y’all are going to knock it out of the park.

  144. lonewolf

    Congrats you guys! Super happy for you all! Can’t wait to see how it all comes together.

  145. LytseDraak

    That is fantastic! Congratulations!

  146. Swnetty

    Well that was some glorious news that put a smile on my face. I thought it was going to take at least a year and a half for this to happen.

    Congrats . I’m really happy for you guys to finally have a proper gathering point to call home.

    Looking forward to future updates and progress πŸ€—

  147. Popdaddy

    WOOHOO! Very excited! Can’t wait to see the final result.

  148. Squee

    So exciting!!!! I went back and watched the previous video with a new eye and it looks amazing!!! So happy for you all!

  149. Jaigyn

    Congratulations to you & your crew! Loved what you’ve shown so far, hopefully you can treat us to some external photos soon. All the best!

  150. Rahul Pal

    VΓ€ldigt bra att hΓΆra β€οΈπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ❀️

  151. captain_agony

    Super happy fun time!!!

    Great job everyone and excited to see how things progress!

  152. Restonlaurels

    Honestly, I was a little bummed when I heard the first offer didn’t go through on that space, because it seems almost perfect! So happy it’s officially THE ONE!

  153. SpacemanTJN

    Duddeeeee!! Sooo good to hear!! Congratulations you guys, so well deserved!

  154. Strikezx

    Congrats on the Studio!!! What a journey so far and looking forward to what is to come! I’m so stoked for you guys and all of the VLDL Family. Take care. πŸ˜€

  155. DTOM

    I’m so jealous of you guys for all the different spaces you’re going to get to call your own! Oh to be able to call that kind of work space my own….you lucky devils!

  156. Starship420

    Are you still going to use Playtech as the office name in Bored? Would be interesting if Playtech got bought buy a bigger company and everybody had to go through a rebranding.

  157. empathy_awaits

    That’s amazing!! Congrats guys! ^_^ Can’t wait to see the building steps!

  158. Pieburn

    you guys are inspirational!!!
    You are living the dream and I am so happy for you all!!!

  159. RadianceGuardians890

    This is so awesome!!!!! I’m glad y’all finally found your studio.

    1. fitzyrag

      Congratulations…..I’m thrilled fr you guys, this must be a blessing, finally finding a studio you can call home, didn’t take as long as expected
      Keep the videos rolling

  160. CyberJarl

    Congratulations! πŸ˜€ Can’t wait to see the new studio

  161. Michael2697

    Congratulations on the new studio guys! Can’t wait to see all the content everyone makes

  162. thegoodfella

    Great news guys!! Looking forward to what you guys do with the place

  163. sobek

    Niceeee!! It’s so cool to be on this journey with you guys πŸ˜€

  164. Thomas

    Congrats I thought the studio looked great

  165. donaldsc

    Great news very exciting, can’t wait to see some new episodes from the VLD Studios πŸ˜€

  166. youbepositive

    Congrats! That’s amazing. Looking forward to more juicy updates!

  167. Jerry MacG

    Ceeeeelebrate good times, come on! πŸ˜€
    This is fantastic news. None of us can wait to see the next few blogs as you start piecing everything together and making the space your own.

  168. travior

    So excited for this project! We are all living vicariously though you in this! Congratulations!

  169. Shadilary

    Gratz! Looking forward to seeing the transformation πŸ˜€

  170. 801tman

    Congrats!! Looking forward to seeing what you all do to refurbish and build the studio!

  171. ReaperDroid

    Congrats guys. That’s awesome news. Excited to see the next phase. Keep it up.

  172. Miss Petrolhead


  173. sarlacii

    Awesome news, can’t wait to see the sets unfold… !

  174. Navykel

    I’m going on a 12 Cruise between Dec 23 thru Jan 6th around NZ. What City will the new studio be in? I’d like to take an Uber and get a selfie from out on the road!

  175. PurpleMage

    That’s awesome news guys. I mean you have been knocking it out of the park with your content, without a full studio. When this is up to speed you will be making even more epic content. Congrats

  176. rukasamuels

    Congrats!!! It’s finally all coming together!

  177. Vaynewolf

    I can’t believe your search for your first studio is over! That’s AWESOME! Looking forward to seeing the space come together and absolutely can’t wait to see all the cool new sets VLDL will have to play with! It’s been great watching your channel grow, and it’s been both a pleasure and honor to help contribute to your most recent kickstarter! GREAT EXPANSION! WOO HOO!! VLDL FOREVER!!!

  178. Romi Honey

    Awesome, guys!!! Congrats πŸ₯³ The place looked really promising. Can’t wait to see what you do with it! πŸ‘

  179. Goggins II

    So pumped for you guys! Congrats!
    I work in construction and design, so I’m particularly keen to see the renovation process unfold.

  180. HawgfanJames

    Wow great news! Congrats on the space! That plane though.. Outrageous! Ha.

  181. wij2012

    I’m over here wracking my brain thinking of where the wall of names could go from the last video but I got nothin. Congrats guys!! Super excited to see more updates on it and can’t wait to see the channel move in officially!! Congrats again!

  182. LethiferousMoose

    Congratulations guys! This is such exciting news!!!

  183. WikdV2

    Yeeeeeees!!! ALSO!! Rowan, where can I get that sweet hoodie bro!! It’ll look great hanging up next to my VLDL hoodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  184. Kristy008

    So excited for you guys! What great news!! Glad you found a space that is ideal for you so quickly!

  185. Rayan

    Oh my God, this is fantastic news! I really liked that one as well. Whoo hoo! Congratulations guys!

  186. Niclas

    As a group level Accountant I would die to see the numbers. I can’t imagine how much it would take to get the funding. If the studiowalls (the empty building) alone is 5 Million USD and renovation costs will be nowhere near a million or less. Additional the pay for personell and so on and the time required.. It is a shitton of work to keep this going and maintain the current productions parallel to that. Respect to VLDL, this is a huge endeavour.

  187. TheNakash

    Congratulations guys!! So happy for you!! =D

  188. VivaTolis13

    Woohoo!! Well done guys! Now the fun part really starts!! πŸ˜‰

  189. Cludnugget

    Damn, can’t believe I missed these last two blog posts!
    Congratulations guys! Looks like an incredible space you’ve got there!

  190. StephenPS2

    I need to check my email more often. I’m so excited for you all!!!!! congratulations!

  191. Dethas

    Let’s gooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  192. soulhuntertalos

    Congrats guys! Can’t wait to see where you guys go next.

  193. TomZ

    So happy for you guys !!! I can’t wait for the future.

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