You are currently viewing Studio Search: Blog #6

Studio Search: Blog #6

Hello Adventurers, and welcome to the town of searching-for-a-studio, part 6!

We checked this building out late last week and it’s looking hugely promising. You can see that the Warehouse spaces are massive and ideal for set building. Plus, Manager Rowan will be able to spy on the set from the windows above… living up to his creepy manager name. You’ll see there’s also a terrifying hallway which will be a fun place to give people frights. And there’s even the perfect teaspoon dropping cupboard!

It’ll definitely need some revamping, air conditioning and soundproofing, but we’re pretty excited about this one! We’re heading back there with a wider crew and we’re hoping to put an offer in.

What do you think of it?

This Post Has 86 Comments

  1. SuperRobot5000

    Niiiice! Definitely room to grow on this place!

    And hopefully, for the cool $5m you not only get the toilet paper… but also that sweet looking white deck-chair in the background (fingers-crossed :p )

  2. Adina

    Not bad – looks like you’ll be set for office and storage space, and some parking off-road. There are also mature trees which are nice compared to new developments. I was surprised how many windows had green outside. Your acoustics engineer will undoubtedly have a job ahead of them – the warehouse is very echoey at the moment. Also, buy a mannequin and stick it down that dark hallway and leave it. Part of the job interview/first day induction will be taking people past that corridor and seeing how they react.

  3. LytseDraak

    Nice. I noticed a lot of echoes in the spaces which I didn’t hear in the other videos, but this place looks good. Definitely visit it again with more people to see if you still like it.

  4. VivaTolis13

    Seems like a complicated place, but i think you can make it work! 🙂 Keep it up guys!

  5. alphito

    Love how much space it seems to have and the fact that it has more space then what you need right now means you won’t have to worry about outgrowing it as quickly.

  6. NavyCop68

    Looks really promising, probably the best of the lot really with the separate large areas, costume storage, plenty of office space. Really digging the slasher closet at the beginning with the yellowish flickering light near the entrance!

  7. Gregthegarlicfarmer

    Definitely higgledy piggledy. 🙂 Hopefully they can meet you at a financial place where you don’t have to spend TOO much time and money making the adjustments that you need to get working. I’m sure you are anxious to get started. I hope you can find a compromise that gets you what you want!

    1. Necie

      Looks promising. I like all the space for the art department in addition to the office spaces. The warehouse space for the studios are cool too. Only issue is if anyone needs an elevator, is there one? Otherwise looks great.

  8. Kevin Zimmerli

    In the spooky hallway, I half expected to hear Rodney: “What are you doing here?”

    It does seem to have a good amount of space. From what we see here, it is definitely worth a second look.

    1. Mk22

      You beat me to it, I definitely got Rodney vibes from that hallway

    2. aunty_mog

      That was my reaction also, I was waiting for Rodney to appear xox


    Nice, if it fits your needs and then some cant wait for the next update 😊

    1. Looks good! I think higgledy piggledy would contribute to the creative flow. Almost like just get around is like walking around a dungeon! 🧟‍♂️

  10. TextLore52

    I like this one the best so far. It seems to occupy that sweet spot between ready-to-go and needs work that makes it where you can get it where you want it relatively quickly without breaking the bank on purchase or renovations. This may be a minority opinion, but I kind of like the twisty way things are fit together as it gives the place a certain personality. That’s pretty much how you end up with spooky hallways in the first place.

  11. billybob8832

    I really like this one! It has many unique benefits which y’all could make good use of: lots of space, creepy hallways/cupboards, and of course a window for the Super Manager to look down on his peasants. Good Luck and make whatever choice you think is best!

  12. Nerothacher

    Here’s hoping this one turns out well, you guys Deserve it!

  13. BZM

    Very nice. Hopefully the other warehouse spaces on site are large as well.

    Take your time and find the right spot 🙂

  14. Ralokan

    I like the space. It’s always better to have more space than you might need at the present. As your media company expands you will need it. Linus media is a good example what a YouTuber media company can become.

  15. TheDruce

    I like this building! With two separate studio spaces, two different things can be filming at once (or one space with sets being built while another is being used). If the costume area is between the two, that’s even better. While it’d be nice to have a hard separation between the office space and set space, I think there is enough room in this building to have buffers to prevent distractions. Fingers crossed!!

  16. Vermouth

    All fingers are crossed for this one!!

  17. waxwing

    I liked this one a lot! The warehouse area looks perfect for set building and the building would have room for everything. This building looks to be in pretty good shape also,.

  18. Valasharia

    Wow, the soundproofing alone…I like the space, but there’s nothing like open land where you can build a soundstage. Still, you’re working up, and this looks like a potential solid start. I appreciate how diligently you’re looking for just the right space for your work and audience!

  19. SpacemanTJN

    It’s a solid maybe! Really love seeing these spaces and how you guys are planning on diving in. My question for you is, do you see yourselves getting your creative juices flowing there? Does it inspire you? From what I could tell it has a lot of room for spreading out and the higgledy-piggledy layout could lead to some fun shenanigan videos in the future – ultimately though we’re just cheering you on from afar, knowing that wherever you all end up, you’ll make it golden. Best of luck VLDL <3

  20. TauTau

    Looks like a nice Place, do you have a Update for us on the Objekt in Part 5 where you not allowed to filming anything or i have missed some Updates from that Place

    1. KermMartian

      They made an offer, but it was turned down, unfortunately.

  21. Tuatha

    Things are feeling like they are starting to come together! Excited!

  22. AJman14

    New video idea: Horror games without the spooky filters

  23. Amber Stephens

    Looks good! I hope it pans out!

  24. tpsutphin

    Looks like a lot of remodel required, but if you can afford it, the space is good

  25. PamiS

    If we’re talking big old spaces with potential, I liked #3 better. This one seemed odd to me. Camera angles might be difficult in the office-based bits such as Dev, with the long skinny communal office space and other weird offices off that.

    And where would a lobby sort of space be? The mural wall?

  26. Gundercn

    How much do i need to PLEDGE for a piece of that toilet paper action. Feel like that is going to be a centerpiece of something huge dumped on all us fans really soon.
    Nah for real guys really happy for you, must be a real adventure from starting up till now. Loved your stuff for years and now my kids love it too. Can’t wait for the coin to show up!

  27. SirpiGart

    Looks good! Keep in mind that you can never have enough storage room. I work in a museum and that’s something always is lacking. Also important is to get through everywhere with the pallet truck (no steps). You’ll use it probably more often than you think. Good luck!

  28. touchofstrange

    Definitely like the potential of this one! It’s got character. Seems to be a bit further ahead in getting to ‘move-in’ ready than a couple of the others. The windows overlooking the warehouse space could actually come in handy during the renovation for easier load-in access for material & equipment. Will be keeping my fingers crossed that the numbers look good!!

  29. DragonsAreHungry

    Definitely looking promising! The echo in the warehouse was surely big, but that is nothing that can´t be fixed. The soundproofing and other retouches can easily fix that and other things too and also won´t break your wallets so much. The fact that it seems to have more space than what you need right now is also a big plus, you can grow into it. I love the huge space for costumes and art department, the gals and guys definitely deserve the best place to work their mmmmmmagic. The creepy hallways is, well, creepy, but Rodney would love it I guess 😂

  30. Maelstrom88

    I like this the most so far out of all the ones shown on the blog. Open areas out front in the office overlooking the entrance and so many rooms to configure as necessary. Good luck!

  31. Acopolypse

    Too many small rooms in my opinion, but on the other hand I am sure that after a few years these rooms will all be filled with either people or stuff and you will wonder how you could have worked with less room.
    Either way, it is great that we are able to follow you on this journey. I am excited thinking about how VLDL will look like in 5-10 years.

  32. MandaMandi

    Looking good! Keeping my fingers crossed for this one! <3

  33. Marc-W

    Looks great. I could see you being able to use a lot of the extra office space for filming too. (Dev, Wildcards, etc) One of the best so far.

  34. SalSolo

    It felt a little claustrophobic for me in the office spaces but as long as they are not bearing walls then you can knock down those that block creativity and create your own spaces. Crossing fingers that it works out 🙂

  35. Veelasiren

    Higgly Piggly would work for the new SIMS logic show, the more strangely the house is built in that game, the more fun it is.

  36. Looks good! I think higgledy piggledy would contribute to the creative flow. Just getting around is like walking around a dungeon! 🧟‍♂️

  37. mgc8

    Looks like a labyrinth, I could get lost through those corridors for days (maybe some people already did… hence the dark shadows :-O )… But really cool personality and overall vibes, the overlooking windows can be put to so much great use (I imagine Romeo & Juliet scenes with the Bored crew 😛 ) and lots of potential. Good luck with the next steps and finding that place that goes from “maybe” to “the one”!

  38. EmberCitrine

    This seems like a good back up, but there’s plenty to improve on worth looking for a better place. I hope you find the perfect one!

  39. EmberCitrine

    Talk to the Corridor Crew’s Landlord. He might know a good space since he’s familiar with what a creator’s space needs.

  40. Arcluna

    As someone who knows zero about studios, sets, and offices – It looks great! I feel like there’s so much potential, and with the talented VLDL team no matter what I know you can make it work wonders. I just hope it makes you happy, gives you the confidence, and fits your vision and your dream.

  41. Rayan

    This one is fantastic! Lots of potential.

  42. Swnetty

    Looks great, hope it will be an equally cost effective bargain, so it all comes together nicely.

  43. TaellynAthenos

    I like it! Definitely can see y’all doing some filming here! 😊

  44. JvercaMC

    IT’S RODNEY’s CORRIDOR!!!…. MAYBE YOU’RE ALREADY HERE?…..I struggled to imagine the Bored set, but litterally so much space for everything else. I’ll agree with you, ‘maybe’ definitely seems to be the line on this one. It’s got everything, but maybe not quite perfect. But Maybe that’s okay.

  45. Raeje Draeka

    That dark hallway leads to Darkwood. Don’t go too far down there.

    I’m immensely grateful for the natural teaspoon dropping cupboard that’s so prominent as soon as you open the front door though. I’m sure Ben will never drop a teaspoon again…oh, he’s still in there. When did you guys last feed him? They die if you don’t feed them, just like tamagotchi. Benagochi will die. Feed him. You can’t forget when the cupboard is right there!

    I absolutely love the idea of manager Rowan creepily watching everyone through that window above too. It’s almost too perfect.

    There’s definitely enough space. If you don’t have the money to make it less higgledy pighldy then make a series called puzzle logic and make the entire upstairs into a maze. See, it will all work out. Get the entire team over there and see what can be done. I think this one may be a good choice.

  46. OconusRox

    Looks like a space you can make your own, good luck!!

  47. Straymuttstrut

    It took me a full minute to remember my VLDL blog password and for that I demand recompense in the form of more videos.

  48. Bere

    If you can handle the windowless rooms and intricacy, why not?

  49. CreativeGardyn

    That creepy shadowy hallway shot was a missed opportunity for a nice Rodney-voice “What are you doing here??” but honestly it seems pretty promising, I hope the rest of the team are excited about it too!

  50. James Solis Jr

    I want to see all your characters kind of checking out the place when you find the perfect spot. That would be an awesome video to really start filming in your new place. Rodney would totally call the creepy hallway home

  51. DLHamblen

    Love this place, there is so much potential. I would love to hear what the rest of the “Family” think of it, and how much space they would all need. It looks like the only issue would be doing a lot of sound proofing.

  52. youbepositive

    Fingers crossed that you can afford it plus the renovations! Looks really promising

  53. youbepositive

    Found the small doorway into John Malkovich!

  54. soulhuntertalos

    Looks like a potential winner. Hopefully fitting for studio work wouldn’t be to terrible. Seems like the offices could kind of be left as is for the most part and redone down the road. Perhaps the remodeling will need to done in stages. 1st stage is getting the studios done and 2nd phase would be providing desks and that kind of stuff lol

    Good luck guys!

  55. Kiwichris

    Wow guys, that looks really awesome.

    And spare office space gives you options to expand or sublet it out?!

    I am guessing it also gives you the option to build sets gradually – doesnt have to be an all at once job!

    anyhows, arohanui from China, watching and supporting with interest!


  56. The_Malloreon

    *drops a pen on the floor* *hears screaming and yelling coming from upstairs echoing throughout* 😀

  57. NelsonTheCat

    Going from what you showed in the video that site has an interesting floor plan to say the least.; not sure if that will more of a hindrance over the long term or not..
    But on the bright side, looks like the Art Dept. will be able to just move in and start working right away! 😉

  58. QHudspeth

    This one seems very inspirational at first glance, with the different department spaces sort of interwoven. I love these looks into your thought process for studio space. As someone far away from the film industry, it’s cool to see behind the curtain.

  59. Thinkscape

    Mates, don’t forget to check:
    * Check state of electrical and logical network wiring
    * Phone local ISPs about the internet connection (i.e. extra cost to bring in fibre, can be tens of thousands)
    * See if all the rooms have abundance of RJ45 outlets and they’re wired to a central place (future server room), and what type of cables (rating) are deployed (rewiring might be expensive)
    * Check the power connection, number of available phases, state of outlets in rooms, the junction board, rating of breakers, make sure the rooms where tooling will be (Arts dept.?) have enough power. Rewiring or increasing transformer capacity might be expensive.
    * Check the roof, surface, appliances, wiring, weird things.
    * Air conditioning spaces like that is an absolute nightmare. Your first reno cost might be insulation, windows/doors replacement and draught proofing. Try to determine current state of affairs before buying, as those costs can be significant. If you skip that, then you might be paying tens of thousands of dollars in electricity every month for trying to cool/heat a leaky warehouse.

    I know that you’re now talking in millions of dollaroos, but those costs quickly add up, so might be useful when comparing buildings.

    Love <3

  60. Thinkscape

    ps: you rarely show the surrounding area, but that would be an extra criterium for me — interesting area, with nearby parks, bush, nature strip or other appeal will reduce your costs as you might use it for filming (instead of having to haul people and equipment to locations)

  61. Kristy008

    Best of luck guys. Looks like the set up costs could be significant especially is you decide to do the flooring /painting as well as it looks aged.

  62. shaman

    Definitely a great space and a lot of potential. Seems like it could be a fun space to work in as well – higgledy-piggledy can make for a lot of workplace fun for playing while you work, practical jokes and the like. You’ve been doing some good searching guys – great job!

  63. Rahul Pal

    I love the space especially the large storages space

  64. OtterBob

    Looks great. Good amount of space for offices and studios. I can picture Baradun opening a portal into the creepy hallway just to cause mischief….

    Godspeed guys! Hope it all goes well! Looking forward to see your new space.

  65. Wendelin

    And where would you put the Bored Set?

  66. Solethia

    Really comes down to price of the building and refurbishing cost, but it definitely have potential.

  67. JeromyK

    This one just looks… expensive because it is in good condition.
    I also see the potential and it does not look as it would need quite that much renovation.

  68. flareo

    You could get some awesome from above shots with those windows.

  69. wij2012

    I like this one. The toilet paper sold it for me personally.

  70. Yellow Lemon

    Came back here after viewing the latest progress on the studio. I just wanted to remind myself how far it has all come. It has changed so much and I think it is the perfect studio for you guys. I’m so glad it all worked out!

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