You are currently viewing Studio Search: Blog #5

Studio Search: Blog #5

Grab a cuppa (not too milky though), and sit down for a chat with Adam & Alan!

We looked at another place a couple of days ago – AND PUT AN OFFER IN! But we weren’t allowed to film so you’re going to have to visualise it through Adam & Alan’s creative descriptions.

The place was literally perfect and catered to all our needs (which is pretty hard to find). Plus, we’ve also decided that buying land isn’t an option – we will be buying a pre-made building.

Unfortunately, two hours after we filmed this video – our offer wasn’t accepted, so you can uncross your fingers.

Now it’s back onto the search for our forever home!

This Post Has 120 Comments

  1. CDR Maxfield

    It’s great you were able to find a place to make an offer on this soon, though I guess it wasn’t meant to be yet. Happy that you’re not going to pursue building from ground up. Keep your heads up, your perfect place is still out there!

    1. Faultty

      Rowan will want to ride his cool looking bike to the office. Trust me, you want a shower on site.

    2. lai

      ull guys will find aomething even better.

  2. youbepositive

    ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž good luck!

      1. neyluge

        I’m so sorry for you guys! It really sounded like it was the perfect place. But I’m sure you’ll be able to find some other place, which might need some TLC but it will also tick all boxes

      2. Chagar

        Umm, I just got an email notice for this a few minutes ago. Is there supposed to be a newer one available?

  3. Grdiang3l

    Oh no! Roller coaster of emotions! I hope another one comes your way…

    It’s nice to know that you guys have an idea what “perfect” might look like though!!

  4. Horribus

    Hope the market starting to dip has worked for you – really hoping for some good news. Think the decision not to build was probably wise, in spite of how tempting it might have been. I think the nightmares of building in NZ at the moment would outweigh the advantage of being able to design from scratch.

  5. Sarianna6420

    Dang I’m sad the offer didn’t work did u happen to put in a new offer or did u just decide to let it go?

  6. ShawnSul

    Bit of bad luck with this first bid. But, thems the breaks this time around. Hopefully that just means something better is on the horizon. Happy hunting!

  7. zilly

    Use this one as the base level for your subsequent searches

  8. glenn.fitzpatrick

    There are predictions NZ real estate may drop 10% to 20 % over next couple of years.

    Be patient.

    1. Faultty

      I will keep my fingers crossed if I want.
      I will have hot water with milk in it if I want.
      I will sing the Wellerman song if I want (it’s an 1850s New Zealand whaling song, so copyright is irrelevant)

  9. KageWolf

    well that stinkin suuckks, too bad the offer didn’t work out, sounds like it would have been pretty awesome.

  10. Rezdrew

    It’s typical to rejected on the first offer as they are trying to get the most amount of money as possible. Do you ask for a counter offer? Also sometimes staying quite works as they might reach back out to you.

  11. WinterSK

    Did you put in an offer at your max price? can you up it a bit, or was the offer a fair ways off the mark?

      1. Welverein

        Would it mean that even with the very successful kickstarter and your own credit capabilities, you have to readjust your expectations as a suitable location from the get go I’d too expensive right now?

  12. punzofsteel

    Rezdrewโ€™s got a point with the counter offer!

  13. punzofsteel

    Wait nevermind lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ how many people actually watched the video? I was duped by the comment section

  14. NavyCop68

    Buying property right now ANYWHERE is a tough deal. Good luck with the continued search. As for privacy, the CIA is really a pain about their NDA’s and such! Lol…

  15. C. John Austin

    Platitude of the day: If sth sounds too good to be true, it usually is… Probably stands on an old pet cemetary anyway and you’d be hearing The Ramones in the background when filming…
    Still, better luck next time. Happy hunting!

  16. JamieTigress

    Well sure that was bust but the right building is out there.. I am so excited to be part of this “EPIC” journey with you all, I have been VLDL fan for a long time . HYPE HYPE!!!

  17. Flex Cannon

    Can’t wait to see the new home! Keep up the awesome work guys!

  18. StephenPS2

    It’s so cool that you were able to make an offer! I’m so sorry that they rejected it. You’ll find the right place!

  19. msauer5320

    If you have found 1 perfect place this soon you can find another. Don’t settle. You guys deserve the best.

  20. fearsomegnome

    Oh shoot. Sorry it didnโ€™t work out. Thats a bummer. Hopefully the perfect place is waiting for you.

  21. Red-Gargoyle

    Sorry to see that it didn’t go through. You guys will find the perfect spot soon.

  22. popekarul

    If your bids fail. I got a spare room here in Austin.

    Otherwise, I wish you more luck.

  23. Grdiang3l

    Also, I hope your wrist is ok Alan!

  24. Holmium

    Oh damn, sounded like a great option. Such a pity it didn’t work out!

    1. Teft

      Now that I read what was written, sorry to hear you didn’t get it, sounded nice

  25. MrDeschain

    Well hopefully you can come back with another bid that might be accepted. If not I’m along to see what you finally get, but yeah building is not a good idea glad you took off the table.

  26. DLHamblen

    Could you provide a hand drawn floor-plan of the building????

  27. Lishe

    You guys will find the perfect place eventually!!! All the luck being sent your way!

  28. Jason

    Keep up the good work guys! You’ll find one even better than this one in no time!

  29. tpsutphin

    What a Roller Coaster of a video and then the blog comments. Keep searching, you guys will find it!


    It happens, but you guys will find something . Sooner or later just remember to have fun…

  31. Adzer2

    Unlucky with the bid rejection, are they looking for too much money? Best of luck with the continuing search

  32. Shadilary

    Keep the spirit up! Maybe the next place will be even more perfect. You might think thatโ€™s impossible but if the next place actually accepts your offer then itโ€™s going to be perfect perfection. Unlitterally keeping the fingers crossed until it happens.

  33. sarlacii

    Sorry you didn’t get it! That sux… from the description it sounded perfect. Good luck – more entertainment for us in the search!

  34. Faultty

    I will keep my fingers crossed if I want.
    I will have hot water with milk in it if I want.
    I will sing the Wellerman song if I want (it’s an 1850s New Zealand whaling song, so copyright is irrelevant)

    1. Faultty

      Dang it. Can’t remove accidental repost.

  35. Faultty

    Pretty please paint a bunch of your studio externals green screen green so you can cgi in various logos super easy ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. TauTau

    Fingers Crosssed, great to here that you find a perfect Location

  37. ministe2003

    What a shame for you, I didn’t read the blurb until after watching the video and reading some disappointed comments so was all excited to begin with!

  38. fitzyrag

    Too bad you guys didnโ€™t get the place that was so promisingโ€ฆthey were very strict not allowing photos/filmingโ€ฆ.awewell to the next building we go

  39. NomenLuni

    That’s a pity. It sounds like it could have been an ideal place. Oh well. Good luck with your continuing search.

  40. G.L.Youki

    LOL, did you buy an ex-intelligence office? NDA to call into the property seems excessive! Super excited to see the perfect place!

  41. Squid26

    Good Luck guys. I hope you get the place.

  42. LunaMorgana

    Too bad the offer wasn’t accepted. Here’s hoping the next place will be even more perfect AND affordable! You’re definitely going to find something, just a question of when.

  43. shubnigg

    NDA for an office… If you cannot show pictures or movies of the place you can draw the plan, right?

  44. dbr1609

    Hope you guys find something to your liking!

  45. KevinTPC

    Damn, that’s harsh. Not even any kind of negotiations…

  46. The Gregolas

    Aw man! That sucks the offer wasnโ€™t accepted! Hopefully something comparable will be found soon, and that yโ€™all would be able to show us.

  47. Bartandelus

    Shame you didn’t get it but I’m glad you’ve decided against buying land. Buying land is often a great investment however the best time to build on it is something that changes with various ongoings. Given the current global supply problems (like the backlog of projects thanks to Covid and supply issues due to global warming related problems like fires ect) building a studio right now will be messy and likely face delays and unforseen costs. So it might be something worth looking into in future but I think given you guys want to deliver on your goals quickly it’s not the best time for it. However maybe a great expansion 2 could be in the works in a few years and then you could buy up some land and keep putting out content at your studio whilst it’s built.

  48. BM013

    Flippin awesome yall. I hope it all works out for ya and we get to see the offices and studio soon. And don’t let Rowan know there may be equity in the building, he will be smashing walls in trying to look for it like bitcoins.

  49. Valasharia

    Sometimes what we think is perfect for us isn’t; I’ll stick with “they’ll reach out again with a counteroffer, or something MORE perfect will come along.” Keep the faith!

  50. JoRiGo

    Up the ante! Offer 1 million dollars muahhahahah!
    The first place was alright tho.

  51. Pr0ton

    Have faith. The right property will come into your life. If you didn’t get it, it was not the right place ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Stay positive ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  52. playfor3hours

    2 hours later… That was fast.
    Well, off to look at more sites. Who knows maybe you’ll find an even better place within/under budget.

  53. waxwing

    Dang! I’m sorry the offer wasn’t accepted.! As others have said, if you find one place that seemed perfect, you’ll find another. I’m actually relieved to hear that buying land is off the table. It would be one thing if VLDL had some sort of cruddy little space to work out of while they were having something built, but isn’t VLDL is pretty much homeless right now? So, it sounds like VLDL needs an actual building and they need it yesterday.

  54. DragonsAreHungry

    Well….sorry for the not accepted offer. But hey, when I was struggling searching for a new appartment to rent and came across few “perfect” ones that I didnยดt get in the end, my colleagues said – “Donยดt be sad, it just means “your” perfect appartment is still out there waiting for you.” And it was and I found it. So donยดt be sad, this might have been a perfect place, but YOUR perfect place is still out there waiting for you and you will find it. Fingers crossed to find it as soon as possible, this search and look phase is the worst. What is good on this – you can now take this “perfect” place as a template for your search. โค

  55. thegoodfella

    That sucks, good luck on the next one, love you guys

    1. Romi Honey

      Don’t worry, guys! That just means something better is on the way. You’ll find it soon! ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ’ช

  56. Kevin Zimmerli

    Well, shoot. I’m sorry this one didn’t work out. But that just means that while it was “perfect”, it wasn’t perfect for you. But you now know that a perfect site for you exists. Keep looking! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you will find it soon.

  57. JenaJinx

    This sounds great! Can’t wait to see it get you all moved in super quick! Very exciting news, I hope your bid is accepted ๐Ÿ˜€

  58. MrEActive

    Oh man… each step gets you closer though.

    A map would’ve been cool… but the bid rejected so a thing for next time ๐Ÿ™‚
    Look forward to your further updates.

  59. 2001faultline

    Sorry it wasnโ€™t excepted but keep up the great work. Praying you find something even better and cheaper lol

  60. khor

    don’t give up yet, i had a same experience. a week later they called back if we wanted to offer them again. i say keep looking, they might come back, if they don’t get better offers.

  61. nerivon

    BEST OF LUCK GUYS! Can’t Wait to SEE IT!!!

  62. JeromyK

    Actually, I think it’s a good thing your offer did not get accepted: If the landowner is that “complicated” about videos or even photos (Which could have been taken in a way that would not give away any information about the position or current owner etc.) then I would not feel good to make a contract with all the little bits and compromises that are needed for that

    I also think the decision to not build an office from cratch is a good one (As I already commented on the other video). You will do that for the Viva la Dirt League International studios in 5 years from now i’am sure ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Maybe try europe, there are a lot of old castles to buy :))

  63. sminter1st

    Sounded great from your epic description but obviously not meant to be, the right place will come at the right time xx

  64. Veelasiren

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you guys will find another place that fits your requirements so much better that you’ll actually be grateful you didn’t get this one.

  65. EssenceofSilence

    Ooof man it hurt hearing how excited you guys were for this place after having read that the offer fell through. I know something good will come up at some point. Also I am also glad you did not go with the land option. If it comes down to it, an existing studio can be renovated.

  66. I Zu

    It’s a pity this one didn’t work out , but don’t give up – I’m sure that everything is for the best, and you’ll find what you need sooner or later. Wish you the best of luck! ๐Ÿ™‚

  67. Maelstrom88

    Sorry to see it didn’t go through. I think video 1 was the best space of the three shown so far, except for the low ceiling for the bored set. The fixer-upper had a better bored set with the actual storefront, but the windows in that place looked like it would be a nightmare to heat the building.

  68. F1Peter27

    Good morning. Nice day for offers, ain’t it? Huh-ha!

  69. mshiltonj

    Have you tried sending The Karens in to talk to their manager?

  70. Overlord

    Well that sucks guys, but hey the search goes on, and since you loved that place so much you’ll naturally compare everything that else you look at too it so the place you do settle on will definitely be an absolute banger!

  71. stannan

    Sad the bid wasn’t accepted but now you have an idea of what you want and can compare other sites to this one. You may even find a better place. Keep up the good work. We’re cheering you on.

  72. VSwordDancer

    I almost didn’t watch this vlog after reading the comment cause I didn’t want to get all excited for you knowing it was going to fall through. But I did watch it because the ups and downs are all part of the journey! Hope you find the place that is meant for you!

  73. Kickinbacktostart

    The reality is if they don’t find any prospective buyers themselves, they may just come a crawlin back to VLDL’s perfectly adventure weary feet.

  74. empathy_awaits

    Damn, I was really hopeful you would get it!! :'(

  75. KermMartian

    Sorry to hear that it didn’t work out! Onwards and upwards to hopefully something even better.

  76. JeanPaul Chabrouilaud

    After seeing the Vids. Go with #3. The large space can be renovated room by room/ floor by floor, or however the finances allow it to be done. I am all for the place in vlog #3

  77. Roxy Sky Land

    Of the ones you already showed #1 and #3 are good with #3 being my favorite currently but you may find another perfect building. You may not have gotten this one but keep looking into new sights and what plans you can make with the current options. Good luck. ๐Ÿ™‚

  78. mf

    Old buildings may have the issue of unwanted building materials used at the time of construction. When I was looking for a house, that was always an issue with houses from the 60ties and 70ties having asbestos on the floor, roof or outside parts of the building. Especially floor materials may have a issues and are quite dangerous. Good luck for your journey – I know that can cost energy ๐Ÿ™‚

  79. TriThorn

    It’s sad that this one didn’t go through. Hopefully the studio from bolg 3 is still a good option

  80. Ariean

    Happy news then sad news but such is the process for looking for a new home. Im sure something even better will come along! Or you guys can always look down here in Christchurch haha but your families and crew probably wouldnt be too happy to move.

  81. Fristie Blade

    Too bad your bid for the parliament house did not work out well but it does put some perspective on the need for privacy and the quick rejection ๐Ÿ˜œ

  82. Darvistor

    Good things come to those that wait. As great as it seems, it wasn’t meant to be and that only means your new home is still out there. You can do it!

  83. onomatopunic

    Good luck! I love it how you refer to it as “forever home” like you’re strays. ๐Ÿ˜

  84. OtterBob

    Godspeed VLDL! Just like that quest you swear you finished but wait you still have one more bit to do… you’ll get there! Good luck with the search!! Looking forward to what you create with your new space!

  85. Buci55

    Ahh guys, finding a new place even if it’s a new forever home or a studio sometimes trick your nerves. I’m absolutely with you and hoping to successfully find the best what you are looking for boyz!! <3

    1. PerLundgren

      Is that you, Bodger?

      “Unfortunately, two hours after we filmed this video โ€“ our offer wasnโ€™t accepted, so you can uncross your fingers.”

  86. SgtSedlak

    And who were these fools who turned you down? ๐Ÿคจ *roll up sleeves, checks magazine and extra clips *

  87. moying12

    Not being able to take photos of a perspective property is quite odd.

  88. Romi Honey

    Don’t worry, guys! That just means something better is on the way. You’ll find it soon! ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ’ช

  89. Yatishah

    This all is just super cool! I love how I’ve been able to watch your journey from doing Bored and Epic NPC to expand to more and more series, DnD, Witcher, ect. Then you did Baelin’s Route movie and now you’re making your own productions studio. It’s just amazing! It’s so cool seeing people reach and go for their dreams. It so fun and exciting and heartwarming! You guys are awesome <3

  90. Sooz

    You never know, they might change their mind or you’ll find better. I put an offer 12% over asking price on on a house, it was refused. I found a much better house for the same money, put an offer in of the asking price and got it! Then the peopke who’d turned my offer down came back, saying they’d accept, too late greedy guts!

  91. Jade

    There is still a tenant in the building, so the owner(s) probably are not worried about $$. After their current tenant is out and they don’t have that income they could change their mind. Obviously keep looking, but i won’t be giving up hope on this place just yet!

  92. rukasamuels

    That’s so exciting! I’m catching up on updates!

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