You are currently viewing Studio Search: Blog #1

Studio Search: Blog #1

You may have already seen this post on Kickstarter – this was one of the first properties we checked out! And there were some pretty exciting elements to this one. It’s a fine line to walk finding a spot that has a good amount of pros and not too many cons.

Could this be our new spot?

From now on, all your behind-the-scenes video diaries will be found here on this blog website.

This Post Has 30 Comments

  1. Burpkidz

    Someone will definitely comment, so let me say it first: It’s midly infuriating that the Blog#1 has been posted after Blog#2 πŸ˜›

  2. blackjack99

    Site looks good could be a great spot

  3. thubar

    Why not just purchase this location? Seems solid!

  4. Kickinbacktostart

    Hey guys, great to see you get the behind the scenes going! Can’t wait to go along on this journey with you all!

  5. DragonsAreHungry

    I like this one, has a LOT of potential and huge space. It looks to be close to a busy road, so that may be a minus point, obviously. So this is not the one Alan wants? πŸ˜† I canΒ΄t wait to watch your journey to the best studio ever!

  6. Kristy008

    Out of the four this is my favourite so far. You don’t need to renovate before you start setting up your sets. Means less $$$
    Excited to see other locations! πŸ™‚

  7. Zevolta

    Very happy for you guys. After all the amazing content you’ve provided everyone over the years. You Deserve all the love.

  8. Scrydan

    I think this one is a really solid choice and my favorite! There’s lots of nice space and that one wall looks like it is meant for names and whatnot.

    Nonetheless, a really good option! Good commentary on all of these blog videos! And really lovely work as per usual! I hope to see more progress, and I in the meantime will work on my game series. : 3

  9. LytseDraak

    Having looked at the 4 options currently available, this one would be best if you want to begin with the new shows soon. It’ll take the least amount of time to get everything ready, but it’s expensive and not the largest of your options. But if time is an important factor in this decision, then this is definitely a good option.

  10. terca17

    Hi! Is there a way to add subtitles/open captions to your video for this blog? I am deaf and would love to listen to what you were saying in the video. Thank you! <3

  11. AvarianCA

    This site looks really good. I am so excited for you guys and cannot wait to see what you can create with your new location!

  12. NickQuickSilver

    This is going to be great! So excited for you all!

  13. BigTown

    Looks like a promising start. Pumped for you guys!

  14. The Cephus

    Ah Gents…I am genuinely excited for you. So much fun just watching this adventure. I will say, it did look like a nice day for fishing that day.

  15. VivaTolis13

    That’s a really cool place! I think it suits you well enough!

  16. simdrew

    Random observation: I would not have ever considered those sunglasses for myself, but Rowan seems to pull them off pretty well.

  17. Bruderholz

    This building looks great to me. Much nicer and more move-in-ready than the other buildings in the first set of 4 blogs.

  18. ThisIsPequod

    Rowan: “…quite expensive…”

    Pay cuts all around will help with that expense! Seriously guys, what an amazing journey and thanks for posting these. Can’t wait to see the progress over the next few months!

  19. soulhuntertalos

    I’m glad that I can watch these now! Good luck guys.

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