You are currently viewing Studio Journey: Blog #19 – Green Screen progress

Studio Journey: Blog #19 – Green Screen progress

2023 is off to a roaring start.. two updates in a row πŸ˜€

The Green Screen puzzle pieces have arrived and this little (or rather big) beauty will be standing in no time. The render above is what it’ll end up looking like!

Look at how many pieces there are!

It’s like a real life ‘Wasjig’.

How do they even know where to put what?! I guess that’s why we’ve left this to the professionals.

Although it looks like a lot, apparently this will be constructed pretty quickly so we’ll put another update out next week with the progress!

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. KageWolf

    can’t wait to see how this looks, both with the graphics and just as a standing green wall lol.

  2. BlackRose

    Oh wow.
    I thought you were just going to paint the walls.
    In my mind, fist coat would have been similar to a paintball episode of Community.

  3. AmberCloudy

    It’s really starting to take shape!

  4. DragonsAreHungry

    Now that is one BIG jigsaw puzzle you got there! Hope no piece gets lost as in the small ones. πŸ˜‚πŸ€ž I cannot wait to see the big green beauty in all its glory!

  5. JvercaMC

    I very much look forward to the next season of NPC DnD XD. I anticipate we’ll be seeing BOB flying through the air and Bodger just running around like a headless lunatic

  6. TreehouseTavern

    Damn, guys this is going to be AMAZING! No more need for 3/4 shots in one small space, the ability to build a set for the ground cover and shoot the green screen scenes from multiple angles! I mean even just VLDL DnD will benefit from this thing SO MUCH. I mean, I love the campy nature of the current green screen segments but this could get really good!

  7. Telrak

    I would love to see a time lapse video of the construction. It is always awesome to see these things come to fruition! πŸ˜€

  8. Kgbguru

    Sweet. It appears things are progressing smoothly. Soon I will have all the quality videos I can eat. Muhahahahaha

  9. 8bitAndy

    Super unlucky you couldn’t find any pink wood trees growing in this shape and you actually have to build it. What a time waster. Seems like it will look great when it’s finished though! Much excite!

  10. AJman14

    It would be sweet if you also use the green screen for photo shoots in costumes to release for Photoshopers and memes.

  11. MuckyMcFly

    Exciting times guys, so happy to see more content.

  12. BrilLeahnt

    So many pieces! Kinda looks like a boat hull, but I guess it’s all similar engineering basics for strength – pretty cool

  13. ian

    This is so cool! Can’t wait to see what you do with it πŸ™‚

  14. Zovanget

    I second captain_agony, I would love for you guys to make a time lapse video of the green screen getting assembled. That would be awesome!!

  15. waxwing

    I am absolutely gobsmacked to learn that the green screen is to be assembled like a giant puzzle. I third the comments asking for a time-lapse video of the screen getting assembled. I know you lot already have so much stuff going on, but I am fascinated.

  16. wij2012

    I kind of thought the green screen would be mounted to the wall, but it looks more like it’s going to be a big shelf without the shelf. Either way, this is super cool to see it going up. Can’t wait to see what the building looks like when it’s done! Good luck guys!

  17. PlateArmourPiglet

    I’m so excited about every update!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ So happy to see it all take shape!! β€οΈπŸ’™

  18. JoePhi

    Great! I hope you guys follow up a bit how you will solve the lightinig topic you mentioned in the last post. Will this require some additional structure or can it be easily setup to roof, walls, etc. Looking forward! πŸ™‚

  19. TheNakash

    Dying to see what the first thing you will make with that screen!! =D

  20. Raeje Draeka

    I thought I understood stuff like this, since I worked in scene shop whilst getting my theatre degree, and was the only student who got to fully design my own set, but this is some next-level green screen building.
    There are a lot of pieces that go into this and it’s way more complex than I thought it would be.

    It’s been really insightful reading these blogs and watching these videos to see how much you guys have progressed and how well your journey with the studio is coming along. I know it will take a long time to finish, but things are coming along nicely, and I’m glad I get to join you all and watch your progress.

  21. NikNak

    I would love to spend a day putting that stuff together.

  22. smallfreak

    These parts are numbered, right?

  23. Tuatha

    its like the worst IKEA build ever…

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