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Studio Journey: Blog #18 – Green Screen construction begins

Happy new year Adventurers!

Welcome to the first blog update of 2023. Things are well underway now, with the Green Screen construction beginning TODAY!

We had a meeting at the studio yesterday with lighting specialists and engineers to work out exactly how we’re going to attach the lighting and stunt rigs to the roof. There are so many factors to consider, but we’re making good progress.

We’ll out another update out soon with the progress of the Green Screen!

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. BlackRose

    Also, is there an opportunity to do some skits utilizing the construction and renovation?
    Love your work.

  2. Lishe

    Damn, now I want McDonald’s. Oh and yay on the progress for the studio!!!!!!!!

  3. Amber Stephens

    So glad to see some progress ! (AmberCloudy)

  4. JvercaMC

    I hope this is all constructed using organic pinkwood. Shame you can’t make a pinkscreen, would make it so easy.

  5. TreehouseTavern

    BlackRose made a good point, it would be fun to eventually see like a timelapse with video game construction mechanics overlaying it. Like cgi scaffolding and generic drilling, sawing sounds.

    1. andrew_clarke

      Could be a good launch trailer for the studio. Bodger walks into the preconstruction studio and begins swinging his hammer, each swing bringing us a step towards completion.

  6. Winnkys

    Good ad for Maccas. Now I want some

  7. DragonsAreHungry

    Woo, no more “fun little tiny conversations” about the door width, thatΒ΄s a progress I say! πŸ˜† Alan looked like NZ McDonaldΒ΄s is REALLY good! As much as I donΒ΄t eat McDonaldΒ΄s I suddenly want some.

  8. Telrak

    At least nobody was hungry during this video. πŸ˜€

  9. BZM

    Nice. Can’t wait to see more progress.

  10. lazjen-gugglebun

    Stunt rigging? Woot! Can’t wait to see the guys flying through the air. πŸ™‚

  11. ProjektBadass

    1/4 pounder with cheese is the GOAT!!!

  12. Michielecker

    Yeah, so, please do make sure that the roof support structure is well-adapted to allow for the weight of the lights and rigging and especially so if there’s variable weight and movement for stunts/moving structures etc πŸ™‚
    Don’t want to see you guys have a major accident just because the supporting structure wasn’t made for such loads! (Listen to the engineers)

  13. TheNakash

    Alan, dude, I love you even more now!!

  14. Nerothacher

    Take as long as needed – just so long as you don’t get taking for a ride by contractors and their suspicious methods, making you pay way more than you need OR just cutting corners and being shoddy.
    ive dealt with too many occasions of “Oh sorry we cant do this because” – only to do it myself for half the cost

  15. Argonautleo

    And now for some reason I want to see an Alan Mukbang video

  16. Jaigyn

    I love Alan’s face. Literally worth the price of the kickstarter. Epic NPC Man just being chill while eating a burger. Good Old Greg!

  17. The Virg

    Oh my goodness, stunt rigs! Amazing

  18. smallfreak

    I hope the Scottish restaurant has rewarded the unmissable product placement with a decent fee.

  19. Dethas

    Haha, Alan just there to eat burger, love it πŸ˜€

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