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Studio Journey: Blog #13 – Walls are down

We paid another visit to the studio and it’s looking a LOT different since the demolition of walls! After our attempts at demo-ing, the professionals came in and did it properly.

The green screen room is way bigger now with the smaller room being taken out. Plus, you can see the open plan office a lot more clearly! RIP to the 90s styled cafeteria and we’ve made room for brand new gender neutral bathrooms.

We also had a chat with the Mural Wall artist, so that’s all underway as well!

Which part of the studio are you most excited to see finished?

This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. TheDog

    Going to love seeing all of it, but due to my obvious vested interest, looking forward to seeing the mural wall

  2. parchedaz

    Definitely looking forward to checking out the sets. Also keen to see the costume room.

  3. neodrew

    Love to see the progress! First day of official shoots on sight is getting closer

  4. Veelasiren

    I’m most looking forward to the genuine excitement as each room is finished. All they’ve done so far is take out a few walls, sinks and toilets and you guys look so happy because your dream is actually happening.

  5. JvercaMC

    Looks like that danger door is in the perfect space for Rodney to overlook all of the Playtech shipments that come into the store….. Were you to use that shutter area for Playtech backrooms.

  6. darkshinelight

    Can’t wait to see all the names on the mural wall (hoping there’ll eventually be a 340932809823MP image where we can spend hours looking for our names!)

    1. DragonsAreHungry

      oh that would be awesome, like a bonus Kickstarter backer game “Find your name in under 3 days” 🀣

  7. velasca

    Can’t wait to see the teaspoon dropping closet. Lol

  8. TreehouseTavern

    Excited to see where everything goes! That green screen sounds massive. I’m most excited for the physical sets! It will be so cool to see the Tavern, Cave, Castle, and of course the Bored set all come to life!

  9. Janessa

    It’s incredible how different the space looks, post-demolition. So much easier now to envision how much potential the space has. Looking forward to seeing more of the build-out and construction progress!

  10. TauTau

    Thanks for the Update, looks Amazing

  11. Kickinbacktostart

    Very exciting to see. It is incredible the space that can be opened up with some precise demolition. The second studio space does look much bigger, although I’m still curious where and how all the sets will fit in. I’d like if you guys eventually did a full property video showing the whole location, but I suppose for security purposes, that might not be in the cards. Great update guys, can’t wait for more. Rob has already mentioned wanting to get into the D&D studio haha. That’s actually one of the things I’m most excited for.

  12. James Solis Jr

    Loved this video! Really showed what’s it gonna look like. Love the β€œwhite room” part of the video, was starting to think that was the green screen. Looked like things were just floating their. Can’t wait to get that sweet sweet video content when it’s all done.

  13. thejeni

    *does happy dance*
    GREEN ROOM!!!!!!!!!

  14. harlekwin

    Green screen room and your imaginations is going to be legendary!
    But The Tavern has to be the biggie for me.

    Hope the work continues to schedule and you get what you (and your audience) want from their most audacious endeavour!!!

  15. Michael_pilot

    Love the concept of “properly destruction”

  16. ejpuler

    I’m super excited to see it coming along πŸ™‚ My favorite parts will probably be the Tavern and mural wall. Can’t wait to see more!

  17. Bere

    Keep the “Design Deliver Delight”. It fits you.

  18. DragonsAreHungry

    The progress from closed to opened is amazing. I donΒ΄t have the imagination for this kind of stuff, so I adore everyone who sees a building with set walls and can imagine putting walls down and rebuild it to something new.
    This video was brought to you by GREENSCREEN. πŸ˜†

  19. msauer5320

    I can hear your excitement throughout the video.

  20. waxwing

    Holy cow! That greenscreen studio is going to be HUGE! Really enjoying seeing the way the space changes when you open it up.

  21. Lishe

    YAY! So much progress already! I can’t wait to see the new sets – especially for DND and the green screen area!!!!!!

  22. Straymuttstrut

    I’m excited for the mural wall having my name that’s like much bigger than everyone else’s name in true American “John Hancock” style.
    (I’m actually excited for y’all in general but I mean, that’s not very funny. Endearing, yes.)

  23. wij2012

    Are we going to get a short video just showing the mural wall once all the names are written or are we just going to see it as background in Bored videos?

  24. Pieburn

    Man I wish I was in NZ to be able to jump in an join you guys… Nothing like that in Aus !!!
    Currently doing my production film degree and will be focusing on grading alters too.
    Can’t wait to see the whole thing done!!

  25. Restonlaurels

    Most excited to see the tavern, mural wall, and the editing rooms (because they deserve some excitement, too!).

  26. Faultty

    I am so excited to see the progress. I love the Danger Door. I wish it could remain as a balcony. Alas, the world’s biggest green screen must take precedence.

  27. Fantom

    The Danger Door should be the door to Rowans Boss Office in one episode of Bored.

  28. RunaStormseer

    Wow, that opened up a lot! So exciting to see the progress and imagine the possibilities!

  29. VikMorroHun

    The biggest and most curvature green screen in the world. πŸ™‚

  30. Amafrea

    TAVERN! For sure – just can`t wait you guys funally sit and play comfortably, not for 8 hours in a row but more sensible 3-4 and getting more pleasure from the process:)))

  31. Marc-W

    Looking forward to the whole thing being finished and hopefully a virtual tour! πŸ™‚

  32. PamiS

    As a former drama kid and mom to two former drama kids (one of whom now writes and acts in a internet drama and drafted the other for some cameo bits), I am most excited to see the *sets* and the *costume area* as those are among my favorite part of the whole drama thing. Without sets, it is hard to create the world where your stories take place, and without costumes, it is hard to create the characters that inhabit them.

  33. VivaTolis13

    Looks awesome so far! Can’t wait to see it all finished! πŸ˜€

  34. Hugues023

    You guys are DEFINITELY excited about the project and it really is nice to see the progress! Keep being awesome! Cheers from Canada!

  35. Miss Petrolhead

    I love Ellie’s “oooh! Oh?!” πŸ˜€

  36. lydiaderhake

    Pleeeeaase make more ‘That shit’s dingo’ shirts. My husband and I want to get them (also you still need women’s styles) and they’re sold out. :*(

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