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Studio Journey: Blog #12 – Studio Demolition

It’s not very often in life that you get to SMASH A WALL! But we were granted that rare opportunity this week.

The studio building is currently being gutted – ready to renovate, soundproof and sexy-fy! (is that a word?) and the project managers let us have some fun with the walls. They may have regretted that though… the mess we left wasn’t pretty.

It’s safe to say we should never become builders. Ever.

This Post Has 82 Comments

  1. callicojacks

    yesss, I was hoping for a demolition video!

  2. BernhardEriksson

    That does not look like the hammer Rowan usually uses, has his brother stolen the one that is rightfully Bodgers?

    1. DragonsAreHungry

      I think they didnΒ΄t allow him to use that one, imagine one hit and the whole building would come down…

    2. BootOJustice

      ohhhh yeah you mean the one his grandfather meant to give him….

      1. InkedAnarchist

        Because it’s his. And not his brother’s. And, and when someone promised you something…

    3. wij2012

      Why am I so inspired by this? I hate that I’m inspired by this.

  3. Welverein

    Ok the wall you destroyed look fairly new based on the “interior”, too bad it had to go.
    Shame for the door, these are expensive.

  4. patrick

    You should have used a “Grandfather’s Hammer”. The wall would not have stood a chance.

  5. Bere

    Demolishes wall – building collapses.

  6. Nifinity

    I love the TV home reno demo followed up by the comment about the builders will cut it all out in big chunks and do this cleanly. Have fun with it guys. Being part of the demo would have been a great pledge prize reward.

  7. Veelasiren

    Hi vis vests and hard hats. Byron would approve of your health and safety.

    1. mageAlyx

      But no safety glasses! All that flying debris!

  8. Veelasiren

    With the toilets removed, Ben will have even more room to put his shit in there!

  9. DemonKitty

    Breaking stuff is fun! Cleaning? Not so fun…

  10. William

    I was sure it would bust you bursting walls.
    After all, Ben didn’t kill all 28 grandfather’s hammers.

  11. DragonsAreHungry

    Hard hats suit you! Rowan didnΒ΄t use his full rage mode from DnD, I was hoping for some, even if it was a borrowed hammer and not one thatΒ΄s rightfully his. Demolition is FUN! Cleaning up afterwards…”yeah, thereΒ΄s this thing I need to do, byeeeee” πŸ˜‚ That door was destined to go, or cut out a bit and put a window or something in it. DoesnΒ΄t have to be a see-through. And it can be the door to AdamΒ΄s office (sorry Adam, I love you) 🀣

  12. nfspeedy

    Hello Adventurer!

    You see, I have a new house, and I need you to demolish this wall so I can make a new place for my sheep.
    If you demolish this wall, I will give you 1 silver!

    Happy demolishing adventurer!

    1. TheNakash

      I would totally go for this quest!!

  13. KageWolf

    Can’t argue with safety regs, but I was hoping for some reckless raging from Bodger/Rowan πŸ˜›

  14. emmapowell

    As someone who has worked within the construction industry as a commercial archaeologist I can honestly say that is the shiniest PPE I have ever seen. Construction guys usually have quite grubby PPE. Mainly the managers that have the shiny stuff. Can usually seen them a mile off.

  15. Silverspoon74

    i can see a sketch where ben uses a demo toilet… its rather easy to picture actually… great now its stuck

  16. Lishe

    Lol – well at least it looks like you guys had fun! Probably best to leave the demolition to the professionals.

  17. KiwiMuffin

    Glad Rowan didn’t accidentally demolish the wrong wallπŸ˜‚
    Best of luck finishing demolition!

  18. touchofstrange

    No one hurt themselves! Yay!😜 Seriously though, this is awesome! And I think the next Patreon calendar totally needs that smexy shot of you all in your safety gear, with your tools, sitting on toilets! 😝

  19. Drake Stormborn


    Seriously, wear cut-resistant gloves and safety glasses, please! Don’t want y’all gettin’ hurt.

    1. dckrause

      I second Drake’s comments …. only want to see fake eye patches …. not real ones ….

  20. Overlord

    Lol, so much stress relief smashing things. Need the correct tools though, that baby hammer ain’t doin much.

    Totally keep the damaged door, mural it up and sign it as a dedication to the beginning of the reno’s!

  21. jhelder

    It would be awesome if you guys did a collaboration with LTT for outfitting the new new place with tech.

  22. tomisom

    Looks like you have the makings of another set of skits…

  23. LegionaryBooks

    Was that Bodger’s grandfather’s hammer they were using? The one that’s rightfully his, but his brother stole! πŸ˜‰ Also, seeing them on the toilets at the beginning made me wonder if Adam and Rowan were going to be sexting each other again (see Catfish Sketch)!

  24. Squee

    Fun little Easter Egg there with Rowan wearing the site foreman’s vest aka the Manager! πŸ˜‰

  25. Orlana5678

    That looked like a lot of fun! Can’t wait to see the renovations when it’s finished! <3

  26. Meatwadsan

    Channeling their inner barbarians!

  27. kmeador

    This made me ridiculously happy for you guys. Pure joy swinging those hammers!

  28. tssmith93

    I enjoyed the video guys, looked like you were having FUN…

  29. NinaRuna

    Ellie must have taken good photos of you guys as manly construction workers. That would be ideal for the calendar, right?

  30. TheDruce

    Health & Safety! Health & Safety! No use of goggles to protect the eyes! You’re allowed to make as big a mess as you want – it’s all yours. πŸ™‚

  31. Wolfpretzel

    Ohhhh cringe! I’m glad you guys had some fun but as a carpenter who does this all the time I’m thinking β€œNooo! The mess!!!” πŸ˜„

  32. CreativeGardyn

    I am imagining Rowan is wearing a different color vest because he’s the manager.

  33. Starship420

    Wow just waiting to see the carpal tunnel after hand writing all those fans/sigs on the wall. πŸ™‚ thanks guys for this very cool experience…

  34. NomenLuni

    Nobody once said “Heeeere’s Johnny!” Such a lost opportunity. πŸ˜€

  35. Daintree

    That was the equivalent of smashing the champagne against the bow of a ship on it’s maiden voyage. Huzzah!

  36. Cannonspike

    Oh no … look at all that asbestos … Man smashing down walls is a really good way to get rid of all that frustration too πŸ™‚

  37. Altairethayze

    I kept thinking ” why arent they wearing masks!”…..i guess they like living dangerously.

  38. Haxxton

    No ?
    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined…
    Just kidding! That was fun!

  39. Thorkamae

    After the whole rebuild is done, who knows, maybe we’ll see some construction worker sketches πŸ˜€

  40. Fantom

    New Series: Bored at the consruction site

    Destroying Walls could have been are a reward. πŸ€ͺ

  41. Lt-Kregorov

    I figured you guys never chopped woods much hey? By the time the hammer (or axe) hit, both of your hands should be together at the end of the stick for maximum force. You take a wide grip to lift the hammer head because it is heavy but during the swing, when the hammer reach half point of the motion, the hand closer to the hammer head needs to slide along the stick to reach the other. The power that will results with this move is tenfold what you got swinging at that wall. Worth practicing a bit, you never know when that might get relevant in a skit. You’ll be chopping wood like it’s a joke.

  42. Killimore Evols

    Was the yellow vest vs orange vests intentional. Lol. I see Rowan is still the manager. πŸ˜€

  43. Menases

    Sorry crew, been crazy busy all summer but just caught up on the blog vids today.
    Well done from Canada eh!
    Fantastic bit of communicating. I really felt like I was part of your crew while watching and reading this blog so far.
    Thanks eh!

  44. Marc-W

    Better get back to it, those walls aren’t going to demolish themselves! πŸ˜†

    I was glad to read there’s a project manager and you aren’t just randomly destroying walls. πŸ˜† Loving the regular updates.

  45. Marc-W

    Just realised Rowan has a different coloured vest… The yellow vest manager? πŸ˜†

  46. Vaynewolf

    Just one word.
    Okay that was more than one word. LOL

  47. Teemto

    I thought Bodger would frenzy rage before attacking the wall with his grandfather’s hammer…which of course is rightfully his…
    All are now inspired.

  48. SidewinderForge

    Stick to world building. πŸ™‚

  49. Hades112

    Is Rowan wearing the Supervisor vest whilst everyone else has the Orange ‘peasant’vests?

  50. DisownedPuppy

    definitely a missed opportunity for an inspirational speech about the hammer before starting!

  51. Rabbit

    It made me anxious to see no one wearing safety goggles xD

  52. Argonautleo

    I was looking for the goggles, safety first. Also don’t forget your towel.

  53. shaman

    Hah – amazing! Less destruction and waaaaaay more mess! πŸ˜€

  54. mat_l_1

    glad to see progress – but not pulling out the pocket door before hammering the wall? OOPS.

    Have fun and can’t wait to see the time lapse of the real progress.

  55. DasLorelei

    I can’t tell if New Zealand builds walls out of titanium or if the guys have weak arms. 🀣

  56. TheKMJ

    Can’t wait to see the finished studio. Smacking that wall had to feel fantastic, I’m jealous!πŸ˜‚ Congratulations guys, looking forward to the next update.

  57. RobinH

    So i’m sitting there waiting to hear “see that wall there, lets MUG it”

  58. Grdiang3l

    I agree with Ellie, that was actually quite impressive Rowen haha

  59. Galactus414

    You should have tried to run through one of the walls.

  60. tena6ous

    We need a new serie about demolition and construction workers πŸ™‚

  61. Fflewddur Fflam

    Hope that wasn’t fiberglass insulation you pulled out of the wall. You’ll be dealing with that discomfort for a while.

    And like others have said, safety glasses. Work gloves. For anything more than a photo op

  62. donaldsc

    Demolition Men… is this a new series right there ?

  63. Telrak

    You should really break down the stair case wall to let in some light. Have a wooden handrail or something.

  64. DutchessWilma

    Demolition is so cathartic.

  65. Red Bird

    At least you guys had good intentions. Plus who could resist some fun demo!

  66. Razorsharp87

    Hi, I’m late to the party! There is a media error in the link right now. Can it be fixed so that I can watch this? Thanks!!

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