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Studio Journey: Blog #11 – BEFORE photos

Hey friends,

Next week, we’ll be demolishing rooms in the studio as we know them now (FUN!) – so we thought we’d post some “before” photos for comparison!

THE WAREHOUSE – Bored & D&D Tavern Set

One of the BATHROOMS



POTENTIAL MURAL WALL in the entrance way




Watch this space…

This Post Has 67 Comments

  1. Jonat

    Can’t wait to see what you guys do with it. There’s something extremely satisfying in turning something tired into something awesome.

    1. monsinyana

      Onwards and upwards! So happy for you guys. I wish you every success.

    2. Raeje Draeka

      I hope you keep the creepy stairs as creepy stairs. You need to have at least one creepy area for creepy lurker manager Rowan, or for Rodney because he’s just naturally creepy (seeing a creepy lurker pattern here Rowan). The only other request I have is that you keep some kind of teaspoon-dropping cupboard for Ben. I trust that you will do excellent things with the studio because it all sounds fantastic. I can’t wait to see that mural full of names and faces. It means a lot to me that my gamer tag will be up there with so many other names and faces.

  2. msauer5320

    I hope you guys have an easy commute.

  3. Kickinbacktostart

    Looks great. I’ll be interested how this space is transformed by the end of it. I am wondering a bit where the Castle and Dungeon sets would be going. Also, is the studio property big enough to eventually expand your size at all?

    1. callicojacks

      I know the place has two warehouses, though thus far we’ve seen only one.

      1. davidg95

        The green screen studio is the second I believe

      2. James Solis Jr

        They consider the last 3 pictures the other studio (the place where the green screen is going to go) not as big as the other one but still a good place for the green screen

        1. callicojacks

          Gotcha, makes sense, @James!

  4. Fflewddur Fflam

    In a couple of years once you’ve got everything running Tickety boo, I hope you do something outrageous with the exterior. Crenellations, imposing gate, maybe a dragon on the roof, torch light. You know, understated and elegant.

  5. callicojacks

    I wonder what the second warehouse will look like!

  6. asdf

    I think Cafeteria is already good, maybe I have low standards πŸ™‚ Looking forward to what you make out of this place. Hope it is big enough so much needs to fit, but seems doable, especially if there really is a second warehouse (otherwise the back-alley has to be the dungeon πŸ˜‰ ).

  7. neodrew

    Thanks for these photos, eager to see more updates like this as the project continues!

    1. Bartles

      With that red section projecting out of the wall, it reminds me of the Enterprise shuttle bay.

  8. Veelasiren

    What is with that weird hole in the floor with handrails around it and long light fixtures just hanging down it in the VLDL office?

    1. DragonsAreHungry

      ItΒ΄s directly above the main entrance (the one where mural wall could be), but why it looks like that….I donΒ΄t know if I want to meet the person who thought “This! This is exactly what we want!” πŸ˜†

      1. Kevin Zimmerli

        I have been in many buildings with similar setups. It was quite popular some years ago, although it was usually larger. It makes the entrance feel larger, with the open expanse overhead. And it gives those on the upper floor a greater feeling of spaciousness, too, especially with a large window wall on their level, and the expanse of glass doors below. At the last place I worked, when you came in the front door, you could look up for two floors, and they could see down to the entry. It made the whole place feel more expansive.

      2. lazjen-gugglebun

        Our previous house had an entrance sort of like that. A huge open space with three lights dangling down it. It was impossible to change the bulbs in those lights when they blew. Very impractical.

  9. Pieburn

    You guys are inspiring, wish I was in NZ so I could join your awesome company!!!!
    Can’t wait to see all the cool new stuff you produce

  10. William

    Before/after are always very nice to look!

  11. DragonsAreHungry

    Thank you for the BEFORE photos, it will be awesome to compare them with the AFTER ones. Good luck with the demolitions, I always wanted to witness one for the fun of it, but my asthma has a different opinion. 🀣
    The exterior has a lot of potential too. Looking forward to your next updates.
    Would you maybe have some time to post some demolition photos as well? To have it like a real storyline “before-during-after” πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†πŸ’–πŸ’™

  12. WarlordDG

    So will it just be VLDL studios? If not I am hoping for either Alderkeep or Smargenrock studios

  13. KageWolf

    please post some demo photos as well, i wanna see Bodger taking a wall down with his hammer!

  14. kvanhoff

    This is so exciting I might throw up. Eeeeeeeeeeee!

  15. TaellynAthenos

    I’m so excited and happy for y’all! I am stoked to have been able to contribute to this! Congrats on the future guys!

  16. Pondwater

    don’t think that wall is going to be enough for all them names

  17. BZM

    Can’t wait to see the improvements.

  18. Dakar1425

    That is a great spot. Pressure wash everything!

  19. lazjen-gugglebun

    If the other bathroom is anything like the one in your photos, I can see why you want to take a sledgehammer to it! Ugh!

  20. efertone

    You may have to invest in rollers to move around the complex… It’s huuuuge

  21. andrastesgrace

    yass, i’m so excited to see the finished building. i’m so proud to have supported this project!!!

  22. rainy

    Keep those tables from the green screen room!! You’ll never know when you want good tables for prop and set work.

    1. callicojacks

      In one of their recent videos, they said the art department is excited about those tables.

  23. Deadlyblast

    I can’t wait to see the progress and transformation of each of these spaces

  24. KermMartian

    Good luck with the demolition and construction; hope it is painless, under budget, and ahead of schedule!

    Can’t wait to see how the space is transformed.

  25. Ruinar

    Man, the potential here is amazing. Can’t wait for the afters.

  26. VocalDrummer

    Super excited for you all. So proud to be a small part of this and be able to keep up with it.

  27. Capp00

    So very cool. Can’t wait to see what all you guys do with it. πŸ™‚

  28. waxwing

    Can’t wait to hear more about the demolition & renovations! Those big wooden worktables look pretty good though; I’m sure you could find ways to use those.

  29. Wyldenigma

    I’m very happy for you guys! Will you still film in ” Honeywood” or will you create it on the property?

  30. Blacktizzie

    Just love your enthusiasm and enjoy sharing it. Such a worthwhile venture which will provide security of employment for a large number of people, not just you three idiots. I am sure you will go from strength to strength and maybe there will be more content like Baelin’s route and FPS logic (the supercut is a gem). I CAN wait for it to be finished – I have no option, – but I cannot promise to be patient. I feel like a kid in the back seat bouncing up and down and demanding to know if we are there yet.

  31. ralliartvr47

    This place is awesome! Can’t wait to see when it’s finished.

  32. Marc-W

    Don’t demolish too much, remember you do need to keep some walls to hold things up πŸ˜‰ Hope it goes well and excited to see everything finished.

  33. zombiedoobie

    Can’t wait to see tall transform the warehouse into the place yall have always dreamed of and deserve.

  34. dlichenstein

    I’m so jealous of you guys. Being so creative and funny and being able to do great things with your best buds. I am happy to be able to help support your journey. Thank you so much for being you.

  35. SkeevyShirmp

    I can’t wait to see what you guys do!!

  36. Grdiang3l

    Genuinely curious if someone on the team has interior design/construction back ground. So impressed by the continuos vision!

  37. VikMorroHun

    Please, don’t demolish the exterior. It looks OK. πŸ™‚

  38. DasLorelei

    Looks amazing guys. Once again thanks for giving the fans a chance to be apart of the journey. Things like this are so much cooler when it’s something everyone came together to create. Live your best guys!

  39. Sindraug

    Any way you can work the destruction into a skit?

  40. Starship420

    I want a full movie from your crew……. Baelins’s Route 2 The Road less Trouted. Bored 2 Death I’m thinking ahead. Just excited to see what you create … Happy Dingo…

    1. Sarianna6420


  41. frits.vancampen

    Love it! Please consider making a build vlog.

    1. sokar

      What are you guys planning to called the new store? I assume you will no longer be using the playtech name?

  42. Swnetty

    Happy for you guys and looking forward to seeing the next chapter in the VLDL story. I believe you can do anything.

  43. ZenZuki

    Such exciting times ahead! Can’t wait to watch this awesome space develop! Cheers! πŸ˜€

  44. Sarianna6420

    I am curious will the guys be doing a video of the mural name writing? And will it be something we would get here or on YouTube??? Love you guys and love the fans you guys really are the best kind of people

  45. nfspeedy

    The black windows next to the garage on the second floor cry for a VLDL logo sticker or even 3D blocks again making the logo!

  46. David D

    That bathroom, looks like you could film a horror story in it… you should take advantage of some of the creepy spaces while you still have them

  47. Grdiang3l

    Given your great tastes, can’t wait to see the “after” pictures!

  48. Kickinbacktostart

    Can’t wait to see the outside christened with VLDL colors and symbols. I’m sure you plan to turn it into a lively looking studio. Can’t wait to see more.

  49. Sarianna6420

    Is there going to be a video of the guys writing names on the mural wall??

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