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Studio Journey: Blog #10 – Studio Warming

Hey everyone!

We’re still buzzing about the space we secured last week, and we wanted to show you some highlights of our ‘studio warming’ over the weekend. This was to show our incredible cast and crew the new space and celebrate the next chapter of VLDL.

Our crew are so special to us, and many of them you may have never seen before but they are a HUGE part of VLDL and we literally wouldn’t be here without them. So it was awesome to show them the new place and inject even more hope into the future! As you can see in the video, everyone is super excited and grateful.

Thanks to you, we’ve finally been able to give them a home. Since the inception of VLDL, our entire crew have worked remotely and away from each other, only relying on technology and sporadic meetings to communicate. But this studio will now completely streamline our processes, tighten our team, and as a result will bring you bigger and better content.

So THANK YOU again for your support πŸ™‚

This Post Has 124 Comments

  1. Bere

    I am so happy I could be part of this. Looking forward to the things to come. I hope all turns out to be like you want to.

  2. Rahul Pal

    I hope you guys can handle well when the recession hits New Zealand rising electricity cost and gas cost. I hope the studio survives. England is in bad shape from what I heard

    1. Kickinbacktostart

      Good thing most of their revenue stream is largely recession proof and their support is from around the globe.

    2. gt410

      “As of 2019, 82% of NZ electricity is generated from renewable sources”. They should be fine πŸ™‚

  3. Mk22

    Great to see you all together, and to meet more of the crew. Super excited to see you grow!

  4. neodrew

    Thanks for the update – so good to see all these β€œnew”faces, hope to get to know more of the VLDL family as this new studio is developed!

  5. khor

    this calls for new series of skits “new office logic”

  6. callicojacks

    I am so happy for for you guys! And am so happy to be a part of this!

  7. Kickinbacktostart

    Super excited to see you guys having a great time. Big celebration, enjoy the dream and then back to the hard work. Enjoy!

  8. Roxy Sky Land

    Celebrate good times come on!
    I love your work and wish you good luck on the remodeling of your new studio.

  9. DragonsAreHungry

    #officeforTom πŸ˜€
    I am absolutely over the moon for you guys! Finally you really have a home for the whole Viva! HOME! I still canΒ΄t get over it. After all the time you all are finally home. IΒ΄m literally crying now. But donΒ΄t worry, itΒ΄s happy tears. And happy tears bring luck. I mean, maybe it is just me saying that, but nevertheless, they bring luck! Because I said so! πŸ˜€ LOVE YOU! πŸ’–πŸ’™

  10. Ajoh

    Happy squee sounds! So happy for you guys! So well deserved!

  11. HumeyBoi

    I would absolutely love to see a behind the scenes office shenanigans style series run alongside regular production (akin to Achievement Hunters shenanigans series) where people just cock about and have fun, or maybe even have crew members plan impromptu skits on the fly, just think it would be cool to see something like that ✨

    1. Gaetan

      I could definitely watch that HumeyBoi

  12. Kevin Zimmerli

    So happy for you guys! ALL of you!

  13. EvilBast1979

    Thank-you for the updates guys., feel like Ben , Britt & Phoenix should be a huge part of your new chapter. So excited to see it!

  14. Zakkaj

    Thank you for all the great shows ya’ll have put on for us and allowing the community show how much we love you guys

  15. rpmurphey

    I hope this is the start to become as big as Weta workshop and produce some amazing videos.

  16. harlekwin

    Such a rare chance to invest in something that has provided such joy and warmth to so many people.
    It’s an honour the have invested in VLDLs future and to watch how this pans out for you all.
    Great people need a great place to do great things.

    Good luck.
    Okay exciting!!!
    β€” Nigel (AKA Harlekwin_UK)

  17. DarkDragon2PT

    Nice too see you all πŸ™‚ keep it up

  18. Vermouth

    Aww this video warms my heart. So happy for you guys!!

  19. William

    1. It’s wonderful to see progress of the studios, thank you so much for showing us all this !

    2. On this website, maybe you could install a plug-in that adds the option of subtitles; Rob said he did it very easily on Twitch.
    Otherwise, people who are not fluent are likely to feel ‘rejected’, because they understand almost nothing (cos’ of noises, articulation less precise…) and this can lower the number of people following you.

  20. Veelasiren

    Even Baelin the dog was there! I’m getting all the feels just watching. What an amazing achievement for everyone involved

  21. Fflewddur Fflam

    Congratulations to all. Haven’t seen any of this since blog#5 so very good news indeed. Good luck for the future, and thanks for all the laughs over the years.

  22. TheDog

    Congrats All, happy and proud to be one of those that helped on the journey.
    Cheeky question but if you are looking for any graduates from Aus in Film, Animation and Television give a shout, my son is struggling to find his first job in the field down here in Melbourne, even though he finished his degree with distinction.

  23. JackDin

    I’m glad you included the crew in this video. I remember how hard putting short video together from a media degree I did. They rarely get seen, but deserve accolades for the everyday work they do. I look forward to watching many more videos now have studios to call your own.

  24. Pavros

    I am so happy I could help you. Everyone is a part of this, better than a faceless studio or production company. Everyone behind this pledge has a face, a story, and a passion to make things happen for a group of good people with a vision to bring something big to NZ.

  25. fearsomegnome

    It’s awesome to see everyone so happy. I’m really excited for the future!

    1. PamiS

      Is Ellie’s office in the teaspoon dropping cupboard?

  26. zeromusic

    Congrats Guys. . . great to see it. Looking at you all walking through your new VLDL owned building, I wanted to put this moment in context: I went back and watched Eight Pool, Bored Sellout, your 2015 BIG Announcement video, and Facehunters PSA.

    Talent, hard work, and persistence. Seriously – congrats guys. You all more than earned it, and you are a great example to others of what can be done if you keep pushing forward.

  27. TheKMJ

    Congratulations guys, so happy for you. It’s awesome to see some of the crew we don’t usually get to see, their excitement made me really happy. Looking forward to what this next chapter brings and I’m glad to have had a tiny part in it. Sending you best wishes all the way from New York. πŸΎπŸŽ‰

  28. Flex Cannon

    This is so exciting, blessed to have contributed what I could. Congratulations and so much love to you guys and the entire team behind Viva πŸ€™

  29. soulhuntertalos

    Congrats guys! What better way to celebrate than having Manager Rowan give everyone a celebratory pay cut!?!?! Lol

    Enjoy the moment guys!

  30. asdf

    This will be awesome stuff, really looking forward to the office. Honestly when I saw the kickstarter I was surprised, somehow I assumed that you already had an office.

  31. Jack Schitt

    Beautiful video. You are really a great team. You can really feel the energy you guys have.

  32. Gingerkiwi

    This is so exciting for you, your team, the viewers and the thousands who contributed to your dream. I’m looking forward to seeing what else is created by you all, and I must admit that being a fellow kiwi makes me really happy and proud. Congratulations, you deserve this!

  33. Lishe

    Congrats again on the studio! Also, congrats on bringing together and working with such a fantastic group of talented people!

  34. brushmaster

    One question, where is the teaspoon dropping cupboard?

  35. fritzcat66

    Thanks all of you at VLDL for making us crowdfunders feel like part of the whole studio-shopping experience! When I contribute to something like this, it’s not for the little gadgets or whatnots, it’s for exactly this: to feel like I am part of something, to feel like my contribution isn’t just money in someone’s bank account, but is out there at work DOING something. An investment where my only return is the satisfaction of participation, but it’s participation in something positive. So congratulations on hitting this first critical milestone of obtaining a studio property! And thank you so much for making us – making ME – feel like a partner in your journey.

  36. kevinbruce

    Thank YOU for all of the LOLz and ROFLz! The VivaLaDirt League team deserves such posh digs! Keep making the SWEET vids!

  37. NinaRuna

    So happy that I could help with a small part to make that a reality.
    And hurray for the WHOLE team!
    Love you ALL!

  38. I Zu

    I’m so happy for you, guys, and feel very lucky to be the part of this wonderful project. Congratulations again! Wish you all the luck and the inspiration in this exciting journey. Hope you stay together and always be one big friendly, talented and creative VLDL family, and it will grow even more with time. Believing in you with all my heart!

  39. Sandy K

    So happy for you guys and so happy to be a virtual part of this. Can’t wait to see how the new studio comes along.

  40. waxwing

    So lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves! And seeing all of your team together really brings home the many, many people who have to coordinate to make the VLDL creations possible. It just makes it even more impressive that you lot have been able to do such marvelous films all while being so scattered.

  41. AJman14

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You all deserve this and so much more! Congratulations! God bless!

  42. Lute

    Thank you to all of VLDL. The shear happiness that everyone has in infectious. I’m glad that I could help with my donation. Looking forward to future renovation updates and more content.

  43. Lt-Kregorov

    No VLDL, we didn’t do this for you. You did it to yourself., and we are doing it for us. Your work is worth every penny.

  44. Pierre_Holmberg

    Well deserved! πŸ™‚ You are all amazing beautiful souls <3

  45. Casper

    So happy for the entire VLDL team. It was an honor to be able help out the team with such a massive addition. Looking forward to seeing some of the renovation and construction videos. πŸ™‚

  46. C. John Austin

    Happy to be part of this.
    Now I’m waiting for a new series of CLUE-like skits: “Alan, in the cupboard, with a teacup” πŸ˜‰

    1. Raeje Draeka

      Ben in the cupboard with a teaspoon

  47. Starship420

    So awesome — Warms my heart to see it coming together..

  48. PsychoPotato


  49. lanthar

    Really awesome to see this and thrilled for everyone!

  50. Kristy008

    Really lovely to see all the behind the scenes people who help bring VLDL to life. So great to see their smiling happy faces!

  51. Almanthea

    Was great to see all the happy faces and excitement!
    Thank you for everything you all do and enjoy the new space!

  52. Jdhigginson

    Happy and excited for you guys. Looking forward to seeing your creative uses of the new space.

  53. cmyers89

    So glad to see how everything is coming together. Grats team!

  54. Grdiang3l

    I’m so impressed by the drive and vision. So inspirational and I can’t wait to see what’s next!!!

  55. DoubleEweAreEx

    Genuinely love you guys and what you are creating.
    Wish i could be a little closer and contribute!
    Any Technology roles open? πŸ™‚

  56. aunty_mog

    Thanks for sharing with us, I’m so glad I took the chance to be a late backer of the kickstarter, I knew it would be a good investment for me to be able to watch these Behind the Scenes vlogs. Ellie really IS such a girl! I feel part of your joyous celebration even though I wasn’t actually there.

    Or maybe I was …… after all I AM from the VLDL future.


  57. Raeje Draeka

    I’m glad I could help to be just a minuscule part of this new adventure in your lives. I’m happy that you guys have all come this far. You all deserve it. You have all worked so hard for so long to bring us such great content. It’s good to see members of the crew who we usually don’t get to see. They work so hard and deserve recognition too.

    It looks like Remi was having fun with her dad there too. I was hoping to see Baelin there, but I couldn’t spot him. Maybe it was just too crowded and hectic for him, or maybe I just didn’t spot him, but he deserves love and praise too. After all, he’s an actor too. I loved him in Epic NPC man. He was such a good dog. Also, I just think he’s seriously adorable anyway. Much love to Baelin the greyhound.

    All in all, great job to everyone involved. I’m looking forward to many more years of success

    1. callicojacks

      Baelin is there. You can see Phoenix pet him. He’s wearing an orange dog sweater/suit.

  58. BossCreed

    Congratulations on the studio. When you’re able to get all settled in and set up, it’ll be great to see what you come up with!

  59. dionisis

    Great stuff guys, you really deserve all this!! It is awesome being able to witness this amazing journey!

  60. Graham H

    Well done people! Good luck for the next step.

  61. sminter1st

    So excited and happy for you guys, I can feel the energy in that room over here in the UK!

  62. Scorpio89v2

    This puts such a huge smile on my face <3 Looks like an incredible team

  63. Buci55

    I’m soo soo happy to read & see this! Well done guys, job is well goddamn done! From the bottom of my heart I’m proud of you boys that you were able to burst out from being only a nerd to chase your dreams!

    You are probably inspiration to a lot of young folks out there you don’t know yet. I’d love to have a beer with you guys just talk about random stuff as I feel all the members here are nice and genuine person.

    As I’m also getting a new workplace I’ll burst out from 2 years of Home Office, so I feel you Ellie, I just call myself as a “social butterfly” which requires interaction in person.

    All in all, happy for you all, and I’m wondering what the future can hold to you folks! If you would ever come to Hungary or Norway rest assured you have fanbase in both countries! Europe awaits <3
    Peter B.

  64. TeeferTiger

    Ellie has excellent taste in t shirts!

  65. TauTau

    Nice to see the People behind the Camera, iΒ΄m exited what you all make out of this Warehouse, and give him the VLD Touch XD

  66. Indigo

    Looks good! Maybe we could see an long time lapse video of the sets being created?

  67. Acopolypse

    Looks like a great team you got there! There is still so much work ahead of you and as soon as you are done with the building, you will use the “additional time” to do more other projects. Don’t fall into the usual trap of overworking yourselves till burnout. Take enough breathers.

  68. Marks

    Well done. Looks great.. can’t wait to see it fitted out..

  69. Thorsten

    I’m so happy for you guys! You deserve all of this so much !

  70. ccrashh

    More wonderful news and progress. Great! Where was Hamish? I didn’t see him at the party.

  71. Marc-W

    It’s great to see some of the rest of the team and to see how enthusiastic everyone is. Excited to see how it goes from here.

  72. blood1986

    Glad you’re all loving your new space I’m so excited to at least play a small part in this expansion I loved your videos for a while I hope you guys continue to do great things and inspire more people with your videos.

  73. MrKay

    Such a big team. You never really get that impression from just watching the videoes.
    You and the team are often referencing your current situation. Maybe a video of what you’re moving OUT of?

    1. callicojacks

      I think they either work from home or rent offices, or a combo of both.

  74. Michielecker

    Super happy for you all!
    Much love and a big thank you for all the laughs (big fan of the D&D series!).

    Cheers from Belgium

  75. Blackfirebird

    It’s sooo nice to see you all so happy about your new Place. I’m looking forward to see it evolving.
    Thanks to you for everything you do. Keep going.

  76. Suz5000

    It’s amazing to see the dream become a reality. This video made me smile so much as I could just feel your excitement and happiness through the screen. Can’t wait for more updates

  77. TheNakash

    It’s great seeing Ellie staying in character.

    Congrats guys! you deserve it!! =]

  78. Vaynewolf

    You guys have worked so hard to get to this point! From your early days and vids to now here ! The start and celebration of a new adventure! I’m glad to have helped be even a small part of this next stage in your journeys. Looking forward to seeingand hearing more! Carry on adventurers and Onward to GREATNESS!

  79. efertone

    OMG! OMG! OMG! It’s happening! OMG!

  80. BZM

    Awesome. Lots of very happy people there. Happy I could help in a very small way. Can’t wait for more updates!

  81. Roar

    This is all beyond heartwarming, and I could not be happier that everything is moving forward so well!
    To feel apart of this, even just a small bit, is incredible, and I can’t wait to see where the journey takes us from here!!!
    Much luv for all the VLDL family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. Argonautleo

    Congratulations now where is my Ellie merch?

  83. NickQuickSilver

    Love this so much!! Thank you for all you do!!

  84. SirReaver

    Good job.. It was and still be a long journey. I am really happy for you πŸ™‚

  85. Changeling

    Congratulations lads! Very happy for you guys.

    One friendly tip; please don’t serve Heineken.
    It’s ew. (As a Dutchmen, I know.)

  86. MasterPandaBear

    It is so nice to meet some crew members, they all do a fantastic job, specially happy about the people that help create those amazing costumes

  87. CyberJarl

    It’s amazing to see the whole team (more or less) all gathered together. So hyped for what’s to come!

  88. RedDragon666

    This is my favor video, it was awesome seeing the VLDL family all interacting together. Thank you.

  89. cpollak

    Great to see the some of the people “behind the scenes”. Can’t wait to see the studio fully up an running.

  90. ZoediacKR

    I’m not crying – YOU’RE crying!!!
    So glad to see all your friends [aka team?!] & family being as excited and relieved as you guys are and sharing your joy.
    All the best & good luck. <3

    Lots of love from Germany

  91. GhostRider129

    Super excited for you guys and everyone at VLDL.
    I was wondering if yall could do a screen like Disney did for Mandalorian and Obi-Wan, I forget what they called it but it would replace full sets with a screen and not have a need for a green screen, that way actors can see and react to things in real time. Just a suggestion.

    Best channel I watch by far.

  92. Cludnugget

    Anyone having trouble with these blog post videos buffering every couple of seconds?
    Just wondering if I’ve got something set wrong.

  93. RedTrev

    Loving the vibe, you guys deserve this. Keep up the excellent work. And remember us Kickstarter’s in your Oscar acceptance speech!

  94. Telethiel

    Yay!!! Congratulations, so excited to see what the future holds for VLDL!!! What a wonderful place!

  95. CaboWabo

    This is so awesome to see some of the whole team and it’s exciting to know I’m a part of making this happen for the Viva community!! Congratulations and can’t wait to see what comes from all of this. β™₯οΈπŸ’™

  96. DutchessWilma

    I’m royally late, but man I am happy for you guys! Not just the people whose faces we see in the videos, but all the crew who contribute. They are the foundation so that the ones in the shot may shine. Congratulations!

  97. Rabbit

    No, thank YOU for bringing us the amazing and hilarious content that you guys do! πŸ™‚

  98. Deadlyblast

    No thank you for entertaining us and bring us great shows

  99. Hugues023


    Congratz to y’all!

  100. Rangawa

    seeing the people behind the curtain really makes us all aware that as much as we supported ‘the guys’ there is a host of people who are included and that makes the donation feel worth it that whole lot more. Congrats everyone

  101. Kiwichris

    finally got a chance to watch this, happy little tears in my eyes for you all – plus a bit of homesickness.

    looks amazing VLDL, well done

  102. GrahfVader

    I never knew there was such a big team behind. Always seeing the few faces on screen made me think vldl was no more than a 5-6 man team besides the cast

  103. astrodominous

    Seeing the happiness on your faces is the best β™₯ You deserve the world guys, love you so much!

  104. lydiaderhake

    So much happy!! So how do we do a second round of backing? πŸ˜€

  105. Kermzie

    It’s been almost a year since you got the keys!!! Crazy to see how far you’ve come since even then and to think how much work went into it from just a bare studio to now. Can’t begin to imagine the logistical headaches of organising the changes, planning and the money but so happy I was a small part of that. I’m so, so happy for you and everyone a part of it!

    How did you go about finding the right people to renovate, the many reiterations of design planning, etc? Not sure if that specifically has been covered

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