You are currently viewing Studio Search: Blog #2

Studio Search: Blog #2

Our studio visits are well underway!

This is the second one we’ve looked at, and as you can see there are some great aspects to it, but there’s other things that aren’t quite right. We want to make sure we do it justice, so we can deliver you the sets we promised.

It’s a big process, but it’s awesome to start imagining how we bring The Great Expansion to life!


This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. ciller

    I really like the analysis on the space and how it compares to others you’ve seen. Thanks for these videos, can’t wait to see how this progresses!

  2. BZM

    Not Bad. It does have a lot going for it. Too bad it doesn’t have a larger area for the bigger sets you have planned.

  3. TheDinklebot

    This one looks a bit small to me, but if you knock down some walls it could work.

  4. MaximusFisticus

    What I want to know is… what hell is / was in there? Some interesting looking things in that one πŸ˜€

  5. TauTau

    The Warehouse looks a little bit to small for your Plans

  6. DragonsAreHungry

    I donΒ΄t know about this one to be honest, it looks kinda small, but obviously we didnΒ΄t see it all, so there may be some potential in knocking down some walls and expanding some sets.

  7. sminter1st

    You’ve got to have that immediate good feeling in your gut when you start to walk round the place, this is your dream coming true, and if you’re not immediately super excited and inspired, then it’s not the one for you… Keep on with the search!

  8. worthyadvisor

    Yeah…it looks like a former lab type place, and you’ll be spending a lot of cash cleaning this one up. (And, as a former lab tech, I can tell you, that’s not fun, AND you’d want to do some testing to make sure they didn’t leave any weirdness behind…)

  9. AvarianCA

    Although it may be larger, it seemed smaller. I guess that is due to all of the office space. Didn’t the roof seemed a bit low for the Bored set?

  10. Sevorg

    They have Steelers fans in New Zealand?!?

    1. grumpymagus

      I’m sure they exist, but I was surprised too. I’m in Pittsburgh/PA/USA, home of the Steelers, and seeing that banner made me blink. A lot.

  11. Rahul Pal

    The first place had a big storage place which is nice to build out your sets but the office place was very big it was very wide typical office corporal style everyone will be working so close to each other and Might be disturbed by one of each other they need kinda separated rooms or at least divided by groups. This one is nice office place nice but the storage place not that big and as you guys said your selfs too thin to bulid all the sets. Keep looking boys β€οΈπŸ‘πŸΎβ€οΈ

  12. The Cephus

    I didn’t see a really good place for the teaspoon dropping closet. That needs to be a thing.

  13. Stefan

    It seems, that you are not so excited about this building, compared to the first one.

  14. Cazyro

    Interesting, but a lot of work to do on this location compare to the first one.

  15. Slexer

    I just wanna say as someone who lives around the albany area I love that I know where all these locations are XD

  16. Radon

    Personally I liked the first one better, but it definitely makes sense to scope out all your options and give them all a fair shake!

    1. EdgarE316

      I agree with your comment, so far it looks like the best one

  17. Goggins II

    The current tenants are big Pittsburgh sports fans?! Geez, they really are everywhere…

  18. UltraX

    The video isn’t working on this one πŸ™

  19. StingrayMM20

    I can just now start catching up with the BTS blogs and all since I was at sea for quite a while. #2 is not working for me, it keeps saying that the “format(s) not supported or source(s) not found”. :’-(

  20. Solethia

    β€œformat(s) not supported or source(s) not found” here aswell.

  21. Jahlpy

    I can’t see the video. ;_;

    “Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found”

  22. Techtonic

    I can’t see the video πŸ™

    β€œMedia error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found”

    1. lyonsl4y3r

      Same here :'( I’m trying to catch up on all the blogs I missed.

      1. ZoediacKR

        Have the same problem … VLDL-Crew please help us out =]

  23. photonpixie

    is there a reason it is down? maybe they didnt get this one so the people that bought it dont want the layout online??

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