You are currently viewing BLOG #35 – First day filming in the Green Screen!

BLOG #35 – First day filming in the Green Screen!

Our D&D campaign continues this week – YAY!

Here’s a sneak peek of our first day filming in the Green Screen studio. The possibilities are endless in here!

Also, meet Ben – he’s now VLDL’s dedicated D&D Director πŸ˜€

Thanks again for your support to get us here. We can’t wait to do crazy things in this studio.

This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. Michael_pilot

    Why does Rowan say it’s cold when you can clearly see on the big screen that it’s 39Β°? :p
    Finally we’re going to have our musical; can’t wait to see the corresponding episodes! Don’t they have a dream life?

    1. Lee Wood

      Wait, what?? We ARE going to get The Musical??? YAYAYAYA!! (Please don’t let this be another joke… bring on the dancing girls… er… bois!)

    2. PhoneixS

      If it is temperature it could be in Fahrenheit so 39ΒΊF = 3.89ΒΊC or it could be the camera temperature. However, probably isn’t the ambient temperature but a measure of color gradients or something like that, maybe someone recognizes the software used and can tell us more about what we see on that screen.

  2. Michael_pilot

    Is it only in my place where the video pauses regularly and it’s surprisingly difficult to restart it? It takes about 10 mins to watch the full video.

    1. AJman14

      I haven’t ever had problems with their blog posts. Try watching them in a different web browser.

  3. Christina Jansdotter

    This looks like so much fun! (Flipflap!) Can’t wait to see the upcoming bigger and better D&D stuff! (It was amazing already, but I can see it’s going to be even better now!) Girls’ campaign soon, please?

  4. PlateArmourPiglet

    Each of these posts make SO HAPPY but the greenscreen is just one of those ESPECIALLY exciting things??? All the potential!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

  5. DisownedPuppy

    Dingo! Cant wait to see the next D&D! Hoping for some epic scenes!

  6. DragonsAreHungry

    Excited for the return of the NPC DnD! ItΒ΄s gonna be so freaking EPIC! Also, since you have the tools, Bob HAS to be flying around one day πŸ˜‚
    Ben, welcome and congrats! Although….I donΒ΄t know if having to direct THESE four while Dn(not)Doing is something to congratulate on πŸ˜‰πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚β€

  7. Turboand

    Wow, I can wait to see the result of your first own greenscreen shoot. It will give many epic moments in the future, and looking forward to the girls D&D

  8. JvercaMC

    That new intro was insane. I notice you’re only using the front section of the green screen here too. Can’t wait to see you flexing it’s full capabilities.

  9. Sailinstrider

    Hi Ben. Looks great everyone!

  10. NonbinarySarah

    Looks really cool can’t wait to see what’s coming up with the D&D!!! (Jealous of the cooler weather)

  11. Rahul Pal

    Will the Background look more like once upon a time VFX style or something else?. Episode 148 didn’t look so impressive to be honest I mean the intro was great But not the building background. Just Honest feedback I am not hating. I love the New potential of the New Green ScreenπŸ«‘β€οΈπŸ‘πŸΎβ€οΈβ€οΈ

  12. TheDruce

    So excited for you guys! And don’t worry, Rowan. When it’s summer, the rest of the guys will be sweltering while you’ll be nice and cool. One question, though. Doesn’t the reflection from the green floor cause issues with the main visuals?

  13. Raeje Draeka

    Wow! It’s all looking great. You guys are clearly having way too much fun. To be honest, I could have watched a much longer video just to see how long Adam could hold up the lantern of revealing.

    And congratulations to Ben of many hats on making it from art, to props, to writing, to directing. Man of many talents. I’m sure you’ll bring us a long line of continued excellent quality D&D. I’m honestly pretty jealous of you. I wish I was a writer and director for Viva.

    1. BrilLeahnt

      I second this, nice to meet you BenOMH (of many hats).

  14. Faultty

    I shall name you… Soft Ben. Because you seem like you wouldn’t bump heads against people while directing them.

    Best wishes with the green screen, Soft Ben. May your direction be smoothly done.

  15. PamiS

    I have been wondering something since the first show at the new TechTown store. I noticed that the “outside door” faces the green screen. Are you greenscreening in the car park? If we pay attention will the same cars always be parked where we can see them through the door? And if so, does that mean that Rowan, Alan, Adam, and Ellie are taking the customer parking nearest the door instead of parking further out???? πŸ€” 😳🀣

  16. C. John Austin

    Morning! Nice day for greenescrening, ain’t it? Hua, hua

  17. Lisette

    Yayyyyyy! So awesome. Cant wait for all next Thursdays to come πŸ˜€

  18. shaman

    Wooooooooooo! Looking awesome guys! Studio looks amazing – congratulations and enjoy!

  19. ByHookOrByCrook

    Looking great and really cool!

  20. BZM

    Awesome! Looks like everyone loves it. I can’t wait to see more episodes using it!

  21. James Solis Jr

    Well if it is bad I won’t have to talk to your manager, I could just request to complain to Ben directly.

  22. BrilLeahnt

    Flip flap, Sandra, tentacle consent – I am HYPED for D&D to continue and adored the new title sequence. An excellent start for BenOMH and the viva fam for sure

  23. Vaynewolf

    The enthusiasm and energy is infectious!

    Everyone there seems to be geniunely having fun, and it’s cool seeing the behind the scenes stuff.

    So happy to be part of this journey! Looking forward to seeing all the cool new skits, series, and whatnot you come up with!

  24. PsychicLiesl

    So exciting, I was blown away by the new Intro.
    I can’t wait to see more of the cutaways
    And I am super curious as to what the snake / worm / ?? penis?? thingee is that is grabbing Bodger around the waist

  25. Rayan

    This is so awesome! I can’t believe we’re already seeing everything come to fruition. So glad to have been a small part of this greatness, and very excited to see all that’s to come in the future. πŸ™‚ You guys seem so happy!

  26. Blacktizzie

    I hope you stay this excited to be doing what you are doing! It’s 90% of what keeps me watching.

  27. DansBeau

    canΒ΄t wait for further updates

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