You are currently viewing BLOG #32 – Check out the Tavern!

BLOG #32 – Check out the Tavern!

Huuuge update on the Tavern πŸ˜€ This is where we’ll film all our D&D content as well as some Epic NPC Man stuff (and other things in future too!)

Check out the details in this place. We’re blown away already and this is only the carcass.. as Adam affectionately called it.

There’s still a few things that need to go in, like the bar but for now you can see the potential this incredible set has. Even the double level!

What other stuff would you like to see us film in here?

This Post Has 109 Comments

  1. Ajoh

    This is amazing. So freaking cool. Also you NERDS and your TRANSITIONS. Hahaha.

  2. Serendella

    What other stuff would you like to see us film in here?

    Literally everything. This looks amazing!!

  3. TreehouseTavern

    YESSS!! The Tavern has been the part I was most anticipating! Congratulations!

    1. Flex Cannon

      Absolutely incredible, congrats guys!

      1. Rendher

        This is EPIC!! I’m so happy for you guys.

  4. emmapowell

    The art department have done an incredible job on the tavern. Can’t wait to see the complete set.

  5. Telrak

    The one set I was most looking forward to seeing. Awesome!

  6. OrchiDiem

    Wow, that tavern is already looking so authentically medieval *.*
    You guys are doing great, I’m so glad I pledged on Kickstarter. Keep those updates coming, please!

  7. Andyman_280

    That looks amazing! Can’t wait to see what you film in there when it’s all done!

  8. Bismarcus

    With a little greenscreen and editing magic the upper part of the tavern could also be used as a medieval/Roman-era balcony of sorts. You could do a history logic!

  9. SunnyZ

    Coming together nicely, so happy for you lot!

  10. Michael_pilot

    You can tell us the truth: you didn’t build a tavern, you literally bought an old tavern in Europe and brought it back to NZ :p

    The blond-sesame-bread (boule) is incredibly realistic, I want to bite into it (compliment from a Frenchman). But at 3000 GP, I’ll go find another bakery…

    I understand better why Rowan the manager fled so often in Bored: he took refuge in the tavern πŸ˜€

    Adam’s favorite things are… pebbles. OK. I would have thought he was more sophisticated but everyone has their own tastes.

    People who don’t like mopping their floors will be delighted to have a new standard of ‘clean floors’.

    The ceiling could be painted in green to give the impression that the building is not the same from one video to another; for example, one time we see a fine stone structure (like in a cathedral), another time we see several upper floors, sometimes you see the sky because the building is supposed to be in ruins…

  11. Veelasiren

    transitioning by shoving the phone right into each other’s faces is such a vldl thing to do.

    1. Indigo

      They just invented ‘Face Wipe’ transition.

  12. Veelasiren

    The tavern looks even better than I was imagining, it’s so great!

  13. Veelasiren

    If you guys haven’t already done it, I hope you seriously consider copyrighting the name Techtown because it’s such a good name some other forming tech company could take the name, copyright it and send you cease and desist letters because your videos come up before their products and they could claim it hurts their business. I’ve read about companies doing just that against small family businesses who’ve used names for years but never thought to copyright them.

    1. OddOldOne

      Valid, but I think they’ve already done it.

  14. OddOldOne

    This is looking so good gents, congratulations!

  15. Grdiang3l

    That bread made me hungry. I totally thought it was real.

  16. Kevin Zimmerli

    Looking great!

    And love the transitions. LOL

  17. EvilBere

    Looking forward to the additional castle and dungeon set. If that’s gonna be as amazing as this… Wow!

  18. JvercaMC

    Oh man these are just sketches in themselves now! Loving it.

    I could see you easily getting an old bed and redressing one of the side walls with windows as a small bedroom to match the hallway and upstairs interior. I don’t know if you have plans to do that, but could possibly let you get a little more working scenes out of one set? All you’d need is like one segment of wall with window, a night stand/dresser and an old frame bed.

    Also really looking forward to seeing both Greg behind the bar, and any new Barkeeps that might make an appearance.

    Also screw you Adam, GO FIREPLACE πŸ˜› jk love all yalls. cannot wait for more.

  19. JvercaMC

    0.38, I spy items on those Bored shelves, what a tease.

  20. JvercaMC

    Also, If you shot in the right way, I bet this could make a killer interior for Souls Logic 3/Elden Ring.
    All those fricking annoying bosses that randomly appear in tight spaces when you’re a mage kitted for long range attacks are the absolute worst. If dressed, lit (with low key spooky lighting) and shot in the right way (maybe tighter lenses to feel more claustrophobic), this could make a fantastic Godrick’s Castle interior.
    Though I don’t think it could replace an actual castle set. I could see a lot of use for those ROCKS!!!!

    1. JvercaMC

      Also would love to see Ben try to roley poley through those breakable tables and chairs XD

  21. Flex Cannon

    Absolutely incredible, congrats guys!

  22. KageWolf

    this is so awesome, I WANT MORE!! can’t wait to see a lot more updates on the Tavern and the rest of the studio.

  23. DutchessWilma

    That bread looks scrumptious! You should get like a vat that can act as a beer/ wine barrel! Even if it’s just a front.

  24. Rahul Pal

    The Tavern looks smaller then that I saw in kickstarter campaign? Little bit disappointed But I love it none the less hopefully the props will make it look bigger or impressive. Love the blogs keep them coming . πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½β€οΈπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ

  25. ZenZuki

    This is beyond… DINGO! Congrats guys! CAN.NOT.WAIT. for filming to start in this awesome space! Cheers

  26. BrilLeahnt

    Oooo squishy fake bread in slightly less squishy fake tavern – I love it!

  27. hershco

    Wow! Amazing! I love to see it as a set piece for a modern knock off of a medieval tavern, only to have the modern day patron discover they’ve been teleported to an actual tavern and now they’re trying to “pass” in a word they’ve only gamed in.

  28. Emmalyth76

    Looks fantastic!!! Can’t wait to see it all done!
    Love those up close transitions πŸ˜„.
    Now, I’m off to buy some bread to eat…πŸ₯–πŸžπŸ₯

  29. BZM

    Looks soooooooooooooooooooooooo good.

    Also love the transitions. lol

  30. fearsomegnome

    WOW WOW WOW!!!! Such bread! Much woodiness! Well rock! Awesome update guys. Glad to see it coming along. Can’t wait for the grand opening!

  31. Burpkidz

    This is outrageous! I’m sooo excited for the tavern, there’s so much stuff in RPG taverns to make fun of!

  32. Ragnarockin

    So excited for these new transitions! and i guess the tavern progress is cool too.

  33. tossedsalad

    Holy cow – that is looking next level! You will be able to rent space out to Hollywood.

  34. Rabbit

    This is so cool, I’m so excited for you guys and to see what videos come out of it!

  35. Aynber

    Wow, that looks awesome! I’m about as anxious as you guys to see some great stuff in there!

  36. The Virg

    That’s really impressive. I can imagine that with the lighting you mentioned it is going to be amazing.

  37. Scootiep

    So freaking amazing! I can’t wait to see this in upcoming NPC D&D, Epic NPC Man, and many other skit series. The finishing your contractors are doing looks absolutely top notch. Way to go VLDL!

  38. touchofstrange

    The total goofball / childlike energy is so much fun to watch! The tavern is looking completely amazing! It is so very dingo!! β€οΈπŸ’™

  39. I Zu

    Looks very good, I’m so excited for the tavern (and the incredible amount of great work the is put in making the tavern look real and old!), good luck with this! Hope you’ll do amazing and great things there, including new skits and D&D.

  40. KermMartian

    That looks great; I can’t wait for both Epic NPC Man and D&D episodes to be filmed in the tavern!

  41. Mr_Smoe

    Garlic themed food and drinks only!

  42. James Solis Jr

    This was the update that got me really excited! So close I can almost see it!

  43. Kermzie

    This looks so good!!! Your set designers and art department have done an amazing job! It always blows me away how they make basic building materials like plaster look so real.

  44. Sairnath

    Love those transitions. Tavern is coming along great

  45. Holmium

    Ah the good ol face transitions. Looking amazing lads!

  46. CuwickTheBluff

    Sooo how do I get my hands on a “that Shits Dingo” Tee?

  47. Smerfism

    Looking good lads! Filming-wise, new Epic NPC Barkeeper series….πŸ˜‰πŸ»

  48. ET

    Can’t wait to see the tavern in your skits!

  49. Neal_White

    “What other stuff would you like to see us film in here?”

    A new pub (just hang modern beer and ale signs on the wall and/or hang add banners from balcony) has opened up right next door to TechTown. Just think of the after-hours possibilities. πŸ™‚

    1. Christina Jansdotter

      LITERALLY next door! I can see Alan, after having had to deal with some of Rowan’s worst shenanigans, saying “I need a drink!”, pulling a shelf aside and jumping through the window into the tavern! πŸ˜€
      Or even Rowan (with his reality-bending powers) doing it and somehow pulling the shelf back behind him, and then the redshirt peasants pull the shelf aside again and WTF? There’s a wall behind it now!

  50. Blacktizzie

    A bit like waiting for Christmas when I was a kid. The anticipation is building! I feel like bouncing up and down and asking “Are we there yet?”

  51. PlateArmourPiglet

    I am SO STOKED about this!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ Not only is it just generally a cool set with tons of possibilities (You could also use it as like, the quirky new medieval restaurent in town where manager Rowan takes his peasents for a team night out!), I’m just so happy it’ll make filming NPC D&D so much easier for you, without the rent for the other place and stuff.❀️🩡

  52. Pierre_Holmberg

    It is amazing to see all you have accomplished! Cant wait to see rhe new set in action πŸ™‚ Things I would lile to see on the new set? Thats a good question.. Hmm maybe what NPC’s are doing during server maintenance. Or some more of Bodger teasing Greg? πŸ˜‚

  53. Lishe

    WOW!!! The Tavern is looking so amazing. Can’t wait for the next update – FIREPLACE!!!!!!!!!!

  54. Lee Wood

    Are you going to get a liquor licence so you can legally serve beer there? Or wine? Or mead?

  55. harlekwin

    Great stuff peeps!
    The fireplace is essential and looks so cool so really looking forward to seeing that.
    Some sort of snug would be cool, like Han and Greedo used in Star Wars. A more intimate space where clandestine meetings could take place.
    Obviously the option for high backed arm chairs where characters could hide in plain sight. Think Fizban in the opening chapters to the Dragonlance Chronicles novels.
    Lastly, I think you need to plan for some creepy crawly creatures to appear on wall or ceiling – even the floor as background when the tavern is standing in for somewhere less salubrious.

    Well done and looking forward to the new content.
    β—₯ β—€

  56. sarlacii

    Love how genuinely excited everyone is, fans included! Awesome stuff, can’t wait!!! πŸ™‚
    I’m thinking this is where those NPC’s secrectly come to chill in the wee hours of the morning, when no-one is online… except for that one person who connects from a weird time-zone. They find this room, and whaaaatt, there’s Greg the garlic farmer drinking a beer with Baradoon?!? Awkward silence. Then the decision – back into character, or just roll with it.

  57. CaptainGoodThrust

    The Transitions Department are doing a fantastic job xoxo

  58. Nox

    It would be great, if I could hear your voices and the joy of these things we’ve helped invest in, but as I’m deaf.
    I’d be happy to follow along, if you added text to your videos like you already do with your dnd and everything else.

  59. shaman

    Love it – that’s looking awesome guys, I’m so happy for you all. That shit’s dingo!

  60. Christina Jansdotter

    Absolutely beautiful! <3 <3 <3

    The tavern's ok too, I guess… πŸ˜‰

    People above me in the comments have amazing ideas for new things to do with the space, but let me just add that I'd love to see a second season of both Witcher Logic and D&D Logic. This would be a perfect setting for that, too! I know you've mentioned them before, but not for some time now. I hope they're still happening at some point!

  61. NomenLuni

    That looks brilliant. Well done. I hope there will be a good bar-room brawl at some point, preferably centred around Bob. I have a feeling he’s seen (not to mention instigated) a few in his time. πŸ˜€

  62. Natedoggz127

    But when you dropped the bread were you past the line of responsibility?

  63. velasca

    I thought we were going to transition up Alan’s nose at the end there lol

  64. TheNakash

    I just love you guys.
    The set is amazing, the fireplace is DINGO, and you made me laugh so much.
    THANK YOU!!!

  65. bilbey

    looks like a cool place to party (themed party hall for hire)……

  66. ChocolateOcelot

    I came for the sweet fireplace content and was not disappointed.

  67. Quantumos

    What an amazing job, looks absolutely amazing! The transitions had me crying with laughter for some reason, so thanks for that!

  68. Warriors025

    So excited about all of this!! Not only for the video potential but for all of you! This will be great! πŸ™‚ Keep grinding we will be here and loving the content as always!

  69. donaldsc

    Very impressive; That is so Dingo πŸ™‚

  70. Restonlaurels

    I still think that tavern is crying for a one shot sword fight.

  71. Michael_pilot

    I don’t know if it’s difficult for you to add subtitles. It would be useful for your international audience

  72. Rayan

    Hahaha, this update was as funny as some of the main content .πŸ˜‚ Seriously, this is awesome though. It turned out so nice. Can’t wait to see it in future series and the D&D shoot! That is going to be sweet!

  73. dolphi5

    It would be nice to see some Virtual Production done with the windows. Then you could watch scenery move “outside” while camera moves are done inside.

  74. Fflewddur Fflam

    When I see your new tavern, it immediately made me think of the early 70’s Three musketeers movie. The fake fight where they steal all the food. It’s such a cool space. I want to see bodies flying through the windows if you can manage it

  75. TSmith754

    Looking good! Who’s going to play the tavern keeper?

  76. Thorn

    All you need now is some fake Dingo shit. πŸ™‚

  77. RunaStormseer

    Wow, wow! I’m so excited about this set! The theatre kid/D&D geek in me would love to play around in there. Love seeing all the attention being paid to the weathering of the floor and fixtures. It’s looking amazing already and I can’t wait to see it all done up! Thanks for the update, guys!

  78. Bearbunny03

    When Rowen started to run with the camera I just imagined that scene where he just kept going leaving his post behind and Allen was like” you can not leave. Your the manager!” πŸ˜†

  79. thematrixiam

    OMG. the face transitions were awesome…

    Loving the Tavern guys. You guys are living the dream

  80. Falingor

    I didn’t see any Patrons in the tavern…

  81. Raeje Draeka

    Ok, ok, ok, I know I said I loved the new Bored set and praised the art department for their amazing work with it but the tavern is my new favorite set. I don’t even know where to start with what I love about it. You guys showed your favorite parts of it and I love each of them. I love the aged and distressed wood that gives it the old small town medieval inn feel (I’d love to come and be the tavern bard for you). I love the second level with the rooms to stay in because it adds that extra bit of immersion. I love the back room to the bar area (although 3000 gold for bread is a bit extortionate when I can probably get it from Fred for about 30 gold). I love the stone… Actually I’m secretly very jealous of the stonework because it’s a million times better than the stonework I did about 11 years ago when I designed a set for a play. Oh and I can’t say anything about that amazing fireplace because unfortunately I don’t get to see it until the next update, but my psychic vision tells me it looks good.

  82. Kickinbacktostart

    Looks great, I’m getting impatient to see both sets in action haha. I really want to see more of the studio, from the DnD channel, it definitely looks to have come a long way from the last update we’ve gotten about it. I’m anticipating seeing the tavern in the next sets of DnD videos, which will be very exciting. What else would we like to see in the Tavern? Why the next season of Witcher of course! You could also go super meta and have your real life selves visit a ‘Skycraft’ attraction where they meet ‘actors’ playing their NPC man characters (maybe the Greg ‘actor’ doesn’t even bother doing the accent) and enjoy an authentic Skycraft experience, drink and food haha.

    From the length of time it’s taking to get these two stages done, I imagine the Caverns, Castles and Caves are probably a focus for next year, but with what I’ve seen from these, the detail is great. Quality takes time.

  83. Nomad912

    That’s the best video yet – loving that fireplace!

  84. The Mighty Paolo

    how about Merchant logic? You know, those kind of games where you are a merchant / shopkeeper in a fantasy setting trying to expand your business…

  85. Fred

    Super cool to see the progress! Loving everything that’s being made πŸ™‚

  86. Roxy Sky Land

    The tavern is the part I wanted most when donating. Thank you for what you have created so far!

  87. stannan

    Absolutely love it. It looks great! I really enjoy watching these updates. The transition in your video had me LOLing for real! Keep up the great work!

  88. aclemence

    I’m a little sad that the stone isn’t real, but otherwise great update guys

  89. The Band Wagon

    Oh my gosh, there’s even rooms to stay the night, that’s great. Love the old details in the floor boards. I can’t believe the bread is that squishy!

  90. Dacusx

    Wow, that looks amazing! I’m so excited to see you filming there.

  91. Aureolin

    My favorite part is the transition. XD

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