You are currently viewing BLOG #28 – An interesting prop/Easter Egg

BLOG #28 – An interesting prop/Easter Egg

One day we want to make Skycraft into a real video game…

But until that point we’re making it a fake game that’s going into the new Bored store!

Would you play it?

This Post Has 45 Comments

  1. Ethan Rockwood

    looks like fun! I’ll play it. would it have bodger and the garlic farmer in it?

  2. James Solis Jr

    You know we all would play it! We have been wanting to for so long lol

  3. Raeje Draeka

    I’d sell my soul to Baradun to play it. In fact, just take my soul, I won’t need it once I own a real MMORPG Skycraft.

  4. Snoflake_

    I’d want to be able to take Baelin in epic adventures across Azerim.

  5. TheNakash

    Totally would!!
    Also, I really hope you gonna have this image on some flat clickers!!

  6. lonelyfootpad

    Shutup and take my money! 🤣

  7. menacexp

    1000% i would play Skycraft – hell, i’d get the Big Box collector’s edition with Skycraft mousepad

  8. DisownedPuppy

    Only if my favourite NPCs were there! 😀

  9. Pavros

    Still love the game dev logo FLICK. Blurry eyes turns the LI to a U. You should have a whole line of brands like CLINT. Maybe a line of alcoholic ciders by Dickens. Love a Dickens Cider after a hard days work.

  10. chrisjens

    Would we play it? Like you even have to ask… 😀

  11. harlekwin

    Yepum – although a little too much “Warcraft” for my liking in the cover image.

  12. TreehouseTavern

    As long as it has all the advertised features – visual changes with difficulty scaling, kid friendly sleep stick mode, hardcore mode, etc. I wouldn’t miss it. Even without those features, a game like that which got a little meta occasionally would be amazing.

  13. andrastesgrace

    heck yeah i would play it!!

  14. CyberJarl

    For the Flick? Heck no, PC Master race 😛

  15. JvercaMC

    Oh Hell yeah, and I’d buy the Flick console with Sklycraft skins too!
    I’m curious through, this looks a little like a Elder Scrolls Online DLC….. So could that mean this is an expansion? Would it come with gems?
    And if this is a DLC does that mean Half-Life 3 confirmed?

  16. LunaMorgana

    I’ve been out of the gaming world for years but this would draw me back in for sure! Would definitely purchase!!

  17. BrilLeahnt

    Clearly the top seller in the bored store gamer chart!

  18. DragonsAreHungry

    Only if my favorite NPCs are there and only if I can have a deep discusions with Grimble and Nutte. You HAVE to have that as an option once the game is done!

  19. fillibar

    Sounds like it would be worth getting even if I do not play MMORPGs really at all.

    But I REALLY want it to have a “pet dog” mechanic that you folks created “Trying to pat dogs in games”… amongst so many other features.

  20. codyf2006

    Everyone says yes… That means, you Must do IT!

  21. Gargolin86

    Seems a little 1990, but I would give it a chance

  22. BernhardEriksson

    Great, a prop that can be used for my idea for a skit.

    Alan is at the counter. Rowan comes up and tells Alan that he should read the new improved sales pitch with greetings etc. and try it on the next customer. Rowan asks where Adam is, and ends up going looking for him.

    Alan starts reading the papers Rowan gave him when Ben comes in. Alan looks up and is a bit hesistant at first “Ah, hello customer and welcome to” where Ben cuts him off with “Skip”!
    Alan gets a bit irritated and Ben says: “Sorry, but I am so annoyed at this game” he puts the game down on the counter and continues:
    “I demand a refund for this since this fisherman that is supposed to be a normal NPC killed me!”

    Alan: “I am sorry but that is not a reason to give you a refund, but I do feel like you take this game to seriously. It is just a game.”

    Ben: “Just a game you say? Do you have any idea how many hours I have played this? I’ll let you know that I have played it so much that it feels like I see the characters in it on other places. Just right now when I met you it felt like I was in the game.”

    Alan: “That is odd, does this happen a lot?”

    Adam comes by, crying in the same way as Eugene closely followed by Rowan who looks over at Ben and says: “Morning!”

    Ben starts moving quickly out of the store when he bumps into Hamish that drops the banana that he was eating who exclaims: “My banaynay!”

    1. KuroTenshi973

      Seriously, I would love to see this. I can see it, already, in my head. The look of horror on Ben’s face, the flinch away from Hamish when he screams at the sight of the crushed banana. This would be absolutely amazing even better, getting Rowan dressed up and a policeman who says “Sorry, there’s a report of ‘Someone prowlin’ round ‘ere.”

    2. Andrew.mcqueen

      Ooh an Epic NPC man crossover! I love this concept!

  23. ejpuler

    I am not the biggest gamer, but I would definitely buy and play this!

  24. The Gregolas

    Fuck ya I would play it! I’m actually so fucking happy and excited to hear that y’all actually want to make Skycraft into a video game!!! I’ve waited for that news for years! I fucking love y’all, keep up the amazing work!!!

  25. Dragon Elixion

    As long as there’s a game mode where we can play as NPCs and for a full day cycle we have to do things like sell to adventurers (that may or may not be NPCs) and walk Baelin’s Route and stuff.

  26. Roar

    Only if I don’t have to play it on a Mac =P

  27. Ruinar

    I would definitely play the game; I would love if it was a CRPG. I want a campaign setting published with some adventure books for D&D more though.

  28. NufNufice

    Would love to play it, but only if Vampire class will be there…with that umbrella…… 😀

  29. Warriors025

    Take my money 💰 take whatever you need to make this a real thing! I’m all in!

  30. The Cephus

    This need to be a thing. Not sure if you want to spend the time on development as it seems you lads have a lot on your plate at the moment.

  31. Lee Wood

    “Would you play it?” I’m going to assume that’s a rhetorical question…

  32. Andrew.mcqueen

    Where does this particular game sit in the Skycraft series, is this a DLC add on or is it one of the main storyline games and if so which number is it in the total series? And does this mean you’ve confirmed the name of the dev studio for Skycraft to be “Flick”, or is this just the port of the game that runs on the Flick console?

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