You are currently viewing Blog #23 – Major progress at the studio!

Blog #23 – Major progress at the studio!

Hey wonderful backers!

The studio is moving along SO quickly now – we can barely keep up. Every time we visit, something major has changed. The set walls are now all black, giving it a real ‘studio’ feel and the Green Screen is almost done! (It just needs needs be painted green..)

We’re going to be moving into the office space in three weeks which is insane!! And then the set completion will follow. It’s going to be so surreal even just WORKING from there after all these years working remotely from home.

We honestly cannot thank you enough for your generous contributions. It really is a dream come true and we can’t wait to bring you bigger, better and more content once it’s all done!

This Post Has 79 Comments

  1. Jonat

    Doesn’t seem that long ago when you were contemplating purchasing empty sections. Can’t wait to see it all finished, it’s looking great!

  2. Peepz

    I love watching how excited you guys are, like kids in a toy store.

    1. Michael_pilot

      but the price of the toy has increased drastically ! πŸ˜€

  3. DisownedPuppy

    So…when you’re allowed to use your car park.. do we get to watch the battle of who gets the best parking spot?

    1. DragonsAreHungry

      Hopefully yes, but I guess it will end with some variation to “managers privileges boiiiii”

    2. JeanPaul Chabrouilaud

      That would be hilarious!

  4. Pavros

    With the NZ largest green screen coming to your office I hope (US/UK/Other) studios use it and you make a Squillion$$$$.

    I love the journey more than the destination.

    1. tkboyd

      That would definitely be a good way to recoup some costs. Rent out use of the green screen whenever you guys are not using to film for VLDL skits.

  5. Kevin Zimmerli

    Watching Rowan explain the bathrooms. You guys are nuts! I love it!!!

    1. DragonsAreHungry

      Hopefully they will get comfy carpets to “rest” on πŸ˜‚

  6. DragonsAreHungry

    Make sure that worker gets a pay raise, otherwise who knows what they do to your precious studio!
    Feels like it was yesterday that you went on the first sighting… Just imagine – a YEAR after the KS you will already be sitting IN YOUR OWN OFFICES!
    Oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my 3 WEEKS??? That is absolutely insane and dingo and unbelievable and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

  7. Janessa

    This is one of your best blog updates so far… so much progress, joy, and hilarity!
    So thrilled to see everything coming together for you all <3

  8. Bob

    Those toilets desperatly need some grafitti!

  9. Michael_pilot

    Lots of employees like to have a remote day per week so maybe it’s just the end of the *total* remote

  10. StephenPS2

    The Green Screen is white. That shit’s dingo.

  11. TreehouseTavern

    Wow! I’m so happy for the future of Viva! You are all awesome and I’m excited to see you all move in!

  12. Vermouth

    Man, the studio is getting sexier with each update!

  13. Miss Petrolhead

    Ahhhhh it’s all so exciting!!!!!

  14. mondrup92

    So excited!! I’m so happy to be part of this πŸ˜€

  15. Cogenstadt

    Looking good! I’ve been wondering about the random beam and column (see 1:19 in the video). Is that going to be moved eventually?

  16. JvercaMC

    This is legit coming together now. I cannot wait. I think I’m going to have to subscribe to patreon when you move in, cannot wait to see the behind the scenes stuff.

  17. Aynber

    Three weeks until the offices? That’s insane! Can’t wait for the update from the first office day!

  18. Quantumos

    Thanks for the update! That green screen setup is going to be absolutely epic!

  19. BZM

    Woohoo! Nice to see it really moving along. So can’t wait to see the first episode shot in the new space!

  20. sgoalder

    Just caught up with all the work you guys have been doing. Looks awesome!!

  21. MiKaRyann

    It’s coming to get so fast! And it looks amazing!

  22. astrodominous

    Omg it is all looking so amazing! I’m so happy for you guys! Watching your dream come true and you being so happy about it is just the best thing in the world β™₯

  23. zirothos

    wow. thing move faster and faster. Great. happy for you guys, and hope everything goes smooth has this until it is completed

  24. Flutterbycat

    This is all so exciting guys, can’t wait to see the first episodes of the various shows you’ll film there.

  25. frits.vancampen

    Looking good. Can’t wait for the sets.

  26. Wetwilly346

    This is insane! You guys are real examples of what it looks like to follow your dreams no matter what. Can’t wait for what’s in store for the future.

  27. empathy_awaits

    That’s absolutely insane! It’s surreal that it’s actually happening now πŸ˜€ So excited for the finished look and seeing what you all start making next! Congrats Viva!!

  28. sjordanmusic

    I love seeing them goof off in the studio! So excited to see when it’s finished soon!

  29. andrastesgrace


  30. Starship420

    Dudes so awesome… Thanks Rowan for rep 420 in the Survival vids. You guys are the closest thing to a modern Monty Python I’ve seen, so glad I donated to this.

  31. AmberCloudy

    So exciting! Thanks for sharing with us! You guys look so happy about the new place and moving into the offices!


    Much love, boys! So happy it’s coming along nicely. Cheers!

  33. jknaus

    Most excellent. Really coming together fast now. Can hardly wait for when you christen the building with your first show.

  34. thematrixiam

    Looks awesome guys! Super excited for you. Thanks for everything. It’s great to come along for the journey.

  35. spacewolves

    Way cool to see all the progress.

  36. CaptainGoodThrust

    Excellent, exciting stuff!

  37. Aelyndis

    Out of context, the picture of Rowan in the bathroom looks like you locked him in there for a week and just got back to let him out. In context, the poop pipe must have that kind of effect. Just need to add a bidet!

  38. Faultty

    “Change your cossie” How strong is your NZ lingo gonna get?

  39. Lishe

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!!! The Studio is looking amazing! Every time you guys do an update I am blown away.

  40. AtlantisUnder

    Congrats to the team! I know I was dieing from laughter during Survival Logic, can’t wait to see what else you get up to.

  41. I Zu

    It’s unbelievable and amazing! Congrats, guys, I’m so happy for you!

  42. Raeje Draeka

    I didn’t know you were building the studio of the future. I must say having a poo pipe to suck away all of that stinky shit sounds mighty convenient. The glass looks like it’s not even there too, yet somehow it magically sounds like it is. Are you sure you’re not time travelers? It would explain why your content never gets old. It would also explain why you’re the only people who have pink wood from pink trees.

    Honestly though, everything is looking amazing. I’m always excited to see the updates, especially now that things are closer to being done. It’s going to be fantastic when it’s all done. Also, Alan’s new hair looks great πŸ‘

  43. Grdiang3l

    Of course the still image is of rowen’s innovative way to poop πŸ’© πŸ˜‚

    I’d love the next update to have a walk through — like drive up, park, walk to the front door, see the lobby reception, etc haha

  44. Tobias

    So happy for you – and for us, to get even more productions from you guys!

  45. Dubhnacorrie

    Can’t wait to see the first test shots from the green screen once it’s done. I think getting your heads wrapped around how that’ll work for you is going to be really interesting. Fantastic progress.

  46. Overlord

    Love seeing how much its changed in such a sort period of time…everytime

  47. AkercByVolume

    Technical question, with all the flat space in the green screen room, how will you deal with sounds echoing off of it? Is the green paint sound absorbing?

    1. JvercaMC

      They covered that in one of the previous blogs. Basically the green screen is angled at about 95 degrees, so the sound bouncing off the walls is actually projected into the ceiling rather than around the box. Then in the ceiling you put sound proofing to absorb the sound projected upwards.

  48. Johnny57

    Wow!! Tangible now. Looking forward to the new content.

  49. Nerothacher

    Three Weeks of excruciating hype – Le’s Go

  50. AvarianCA

    Absolutely awesome. Cannot wait to see the amazing work you guys create with the new studios and reen screens. πŸ˜€

  51. stannan

    Wow things are moving fast! Can’t wait to see all the things you can do with that green green screen!

  52. Mr_Smoe

    Looking forward to the completion and progressing the team’s dreams.

  53. VikMorroHun

    So the green screen is white. But you will plant a couple of pink trees around the studio, right?

  54. Meatwadsan

    I’m so hyped just seeing how hyped the VLDL team is!

  55. Makushime

    Just one year after the Kickstarter campaign ended and you are about to enter your new studio! It’s absolutely unbelievable! I’m so happy for you guys. I am hyped for the future of VLDL!

  56. ttaptt

    Amazing, chaps. Simply amazing. If I ever met you guys, I’d be so starstruck, and I’ve waited on (served food to) Harrison Ford no problem. My heart is fuller knowing that your vision is becoming reality! MUCH LOVE, you amazing bastards.

  57. Limax

    I just got caught up. Everything looks amazing! I can feel your excitement! Looking forward to more updates!

  58. Kelcrow

    The only thing more exciting than seeing your new studio coming together is envisioning what your new productions are going to look like once it’s all done! Can’t wait to see them!

  59. Kickinbacktostart

    Awesome update, can’t wait to see more progress soon. I’m glad to see the green screen, I imagine you will be using that to rent out to other productions as well. I am still super curious about the Honeymoon Tavern, the Castle, Dungeons and Caves, and The Bored sets with how and where they are going to fit into your other space. I can’t wait to see the tavern in action with your DnD show.

  60. menacexp

    super exciting! love seeing these updates

  61. MrEActive

    Awesome sauce. πŸ™‚
    Keep it, screens look fantastic

  62. DutchessWilma

    It’s crazy how many moving parts go into creating this. The black walls really transform the space. Serious kudos for seeing the original building and envisioning what it could be.

  63. VivaTolis13

    It’s so awesome that everything is being built so fast! Can’t wait! πŸ˜€

  64. vtancredi

    Can I put in a request for more Dinkledork skits?? There’s something about that character thats so hilarious. You could make an Inspector Clouseau skit, or Monk\Columbo, endless possibilities.

  65. Kiwichris

    oh wow! I havent been catching up on these for like 15 posts.. oh wow guys! thats amazing!!

  66. KaiSolStarweaver

    So super pumped for you guys to move in and just so excited to see my favorite content creators finally having a space! Discovered you guys in 2018 and have been a fan ever since! Amazing to see the journey!

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