You are currently viewing Blog #22 – A sneak peek of the new Bored store

Blog #22 – A sneak peek of the new Bored store

We’ve received the final renders of our new Bored store!

Seeing these renders made our hearts extremely happy, so of course, we wanted to share our excitement with you.

Official construction begins in the next week!

What do you think of the new set?

This Post Has 71 Comments

  1. DisownedPuppy

    that shits dingo!
    cant wait to see the pics!

    1. JamesMarsh

      Love it, it looks great, will you also have the garage/ storage room section? πŸ€”

  2. KageWolf

    i wouldn’t mind working in this shop lol

  3. andrew_clarke

    That looks like a decent flexible set, lots of places to get a good camera angle.

    Probably pretty straightforward to redress if someone wants to rent it while you are out on a location shoot.

  4. Serendella

    Looks like you’ll have more space, that’s going to be awesome!

  5. Michael_pilot

    It’s great ! You even thought about the exterior.
    I like that you kept the same red/black color code.
    I can’t wait to see how you’ll justify this new move and what the new name is (Tech play ? Dingo IT ? ARA’s ware?)

  6. harlekwin

    Can’t wait!
    Gonna feel odd when you do the renaming session but Play Tech have done you proud over the years.
    A sort of iconic partnership.
    Laurel & Hardy
    Abbott & Costello
    Penn & Teller
    Fry & Laurie
    VLDL & Play Tech

    They should have statues of Ben & Hamish in the door way.

    Good luck!!!!

    1. Bere

      I would add Marx Brothers and something with Pythons. Pythonware or something.

    2. JvercaMC

      I didn’t realise they would be renaming the store. I don’t mind, gives them control over their IP which for VLDL is only going to be a great thing for us fans getting new merch haha. But is a shame. I’m surprised Playtech didn’t enter some kind of sponsorship with VLDL, but then I suppose they are still limited to what VLDL can produce in line with Playtech’s brand requirements.

  7. Lishe

    Woohoo!!! Perfect set for an epic battle with the Karens!

  8. Vermouth

    Love love LOVE all of the recent updates!

  9. Veelasiren

    So dingo! Because it’s your set filled with fake product boxes you guys can go absolutely hog wild without fear of damaging or breaking anything expensive! The possibilities are endless!

  10. JvercaMC

    I’m really curious about those window doors on the front. At the moment it looks like you have a solid fire escape door there, so are you going to cut a hole in the wall and install an steel bar to support it? Really cool renders btw.

  11. DansBeau

    Looks a bit like the first ever Playteech store – I like it!

    1. Michael_pilot

      Oh ya ? They may have done it unconsciously

  12. KevinTPC

    Can we have visitor tours in the studio in the future? I would definitely want to visit. Maybe even possibility of guided tours to all the shooting locations?

  13. empathy_awaits

    Wow! Everything is coming together so fast! I’m curious if you’ll have the stock room built as well?
    Looking forward to seeing more from ya guys!

    1. PamiS

      I was wondering this as well! A stockroom/storeroom/break room area almost seems essential! And where is the spoon dropping cupboard? πŸ€”

  14. BZM

    Damn, looking good. Can’t wait to see the first episode in the new set.

  15. Bere

    Will there be a warehouse and break room as well?

  16. RSawney

    I suppose that one way to get your gaming purchases tax deductible. 3 copies of xyz… just updating the props on set.

  17. jcbeckman

    It needs a self-checkout kiosk .

  18. PlateArmourPiglet

    If that thing on the left hand side of the entrance is a counter and not a shelf it feels extremely nostalgic because the first location had this.β€οΈπŸ’™

  19. Loftraven

    It’s seem « deliciousΒ Β»

  20. corey.f.miller

    I look forward to seeing the Karen’s vanquished in this set, as well as so many more awesome videos

    1. tpsutphin

      or PlayTek – seen that in the states a lot, changing one or two letters XD

  21. Solelron

    So do we get a Bored Stockroom too?

  22. Marten.schrage

    Where is the secret storage room for Adam to play hide and seek?

  23. TSmith754

    Doesn’t seem to have too much room for merchandise.

  24. NonbinarySarah

    oh man, that’s awesome! I would not be surprised if they do another moving stores sketch…

  25. TheBeardedGim

    Where’s the cupboard for dropping the spoon…

  26. Monty_Hawk

    It looks amazing, but you will have to include some sort of nod to Playtech !

  27. Teatree

    Looks great! Will there be an inventory/back office room too?

  28. Rayan

    Sweet. You guys will finally have more than enough shelf space for flat clickers and gaming catheters.

  29. KermMartian

    The renders look great; can’t wait to see how it starts coming together in reality! Thanks for posting such frequent updates recently.

  30. xanthian23

    What are you going to do about the warehouse scenes? Is that going to be a green screen thing?

  31. Raeje Draeka

    It’s really exciting to see everything coming together. I love the blog updates because I love following along with the progress. It seemed slow at first, but now everything has started to ramp up with the building of the green screen and now this. I love it. This shit is dingo. I’m imagining all of the entertaining scenarios that could go on in there.

    I must ask one very important question. I don’t see it in the rendered images, but I sincerely hope there will be a teaspoon-dropping cupboard. We all know how important that area is. You can’t have a Ben in a PlayTech without a teaspoon dropping cupboard. That has been my one request since the start of the Kickstarter. I just want a teaspoon dropping cupboard!

    But honestly, things are looking amazing. You guys are doing so well. I’m glad I got to be a part of this adventure, and I’m really excited to see what the future has in store for you.

  32. pRyme

    So are sony and msi sponsors based on the only logos shown?

  33. Quantum

    I really like the design and the layout and looks like it’s going to give you alot more room. for some amazing creative skits, can’t wait for the future of Viva!

  34. Unreluctance

    Love seeing everything coming together! Now, where’s the self-checkout kiosk? πŸ˜‰

  35. riggy

    What about hidden trap door, all over the place, just to shoot Rowan into the scene with him yelling β€žwhat’s going on?!”

  36. Buci55

    That shit is Dingo guys! I’m wondering if you will have storage-room shots as well and if yes where they would be. Love the weekly updates guys, can’t wait to see the first episode from this set! As you are going to have your own sets are you planning to make shorter films as well?

    Would love to see a bored series, VLDL Office Style <3 πŸ˜€

  37. Benjamin

    hmm. where is the self-check out box?

  38. wildgatorer

    Is that a White Shirt I see?

  39. Thatotguy

    Only question I have is where is the wearhouse??

  40. DragonsAreHungry

    This shit is sooooo dingo! But let me ask one humble question, directed to Rowan The Manager – do you think that is enough shelves to stack? It feels like you could add some more.πŸ˜‚ Seriously though – looks absolutely amazing! I canΒ΄t wait for all the shenanigans you create in it!

  41. RedBird

    Where’s the section of backward compatible products?

  42. AvarianCA

    Love it! Bored is one of my favourite series. Can’t wait to see what you do in your new space.

  43. donnakfitch

    So cool! Very excited to see how it looks when you have the actual set dressed!

  44. trychydts

    I expected a little bit more racks — I guess this is because filming also needs space πŸ™‚

  45. ace

    Could also double up as a part-time souvenir shop for the tour groups that will presumably run. At least run a sausage sizzle out the front

  46. stannan

    Love these updates. Can’t wait to see it under construction.

  47. Stefan-Xp

    Looks cool πŸ™‚ I always somehow thought the Bored Store is a “real” store where you could go and buy stuff πŸ˜€

    1. Michael_pilot

      It’s the case. Playtech is a store that has existed since 1993 in New Zealand.

  48. Bregir

    I can’t wait to see Mac gamer being chased through this store!
    Looks absolutely DINGO.

  49. James Solis Jr

    I need more updates 🫣

  50. MaitreChampignon

    So dingo that I actually want to buy pc gear in there

  51. kongoliver123

    please more updates. i miss you guys

  52. LegionaryBooks

    This looks fantastic. My only question is, where is Byron going to store his delivery drones?

  53. Andrew.mcqueen

    Curious to know how this layout compares to the real PlayTech store you have been working in for so long as I think the best thing would be to make it look as similar as possible so people don’t even notice it’s a different set. Where is the β€œwarehouse” though, and where is Rowan going to be able to emerge from when Adam or Alan call for the manager?

  54. Fflewddur Fflam

    How many Karens will fit in there?

  55. Hughbertus

    Where’s the spoon dropping cupboard?

  56. KaiSolStarweaver

    This is so fantastic! So happy that you are happy. Your entire team deserves every bit of the support you receive. Truly brings a smile to my face. πŸ™‚

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