You are currently viewing BLOG #30 – Red shirt tests

BLOG #30 – Red shirt tests

This was a bit of fun! And a bit of a weird one too.

Since the new Bored set has red on the walls, we need to make sure our shirts don’t clash!

So we got to try on a whole bunch of red shirts for a bit of amateur modelling. We can’t wait to film in this set in a few weeks time!

This Post Has 55 Comments

  1. BlackRose

    What about putting epaulettes to help frame the shoulders?
    Maybe make the shop theme military, or one of the forces specifically?

  2. JvercaMC

    Now that is an interesting one. I would have thought that a darker red would allow for more contrast?
    Very interesting to see Rowan in a red shirt again…. I wonder why he needs to try one on……?

      1. Dragon Elixion

        Congratulations, you win the internet today XD

    1. Michael_pilot

      Yes darker… it could be burgundy or vermilion or ruby or garnet or russet or ochre shirts (I’m running out of synonyms :p)

  3. Telrak

    I can already see employees hiding “in” the wall with a shirt that has the same colour. πŸ˜€

    1. KageWolf

      oh that’s gotta be a thing for a karen video.

  4. DisownedPuppy

    I do think a model competition sketch should be in the works…

  5. BZM

    One step at a time. Can’t wait to see it all come together.

  6. Rhys

    I’m so glad that I bumped my kickstarter kevel to be able to see these updates. Pure gold.

  7. DragonsAreHungry

    Ok, but why was Rowan testing RED shirts? Yes he is a model, but RED SHIRT??? Blasphemy!

    1. LegionaryBooks

      He should just be glad Alan isn’t modelling a White shirt. πŸ˜€

    2. LadyGwynn

      To be fair, he started with the red shirt and Alan had the black shirt… but he asked to switch.

  8. mleodaalder

    Easy solution, ‘promote’ everyone to black shirt, and Rowan to white shirt of course. πŸ™‚

  9. ErathiaForever

    I like the one that almost matches. It makes the Red Shirtted peasants vanish, and get absorbed by the store.
    It lends itself to themes of the employees being insignificant cogs, and to skits of customers being unable to locate an employee who’s standing right next to them

    1. PamiS

      ErathiaForever, I like the idea of customers not being able to see employees because they blend into the wall!

    2. DragonsAreHungry

      “get absorbed by the store”….this definitely gives me the Davy Jones curse vibes and I love the idea of Alan, Adam and eventually Ellie merging into the walls if there are no customers or empty shelves….

  10. ImperatrixDea

    Maybe you should make the ‘Red Shirt’ the same colour as the blue in your logo. Then Rowan can still be a ‘Black Shirt’.

    Or repaint the Bored set Blue…?

  11. CQuill07

    Ah the finer details… hope you all find the one you’re looking for! Although you could do a chameleon episode where Rowan thinks he’s invisible?

  12. Roar

    I really like the red one….or maybe the red one, but not the red one….oh I just can’t decide!

  13. brushmaster

    Is the wall suppose to be orange? either way, none of those really work in contrast.

    1. LadyGwynn

      It really does look orange on my screen. And the “bluer” red shirt that Adam pointed out looks like primary red to my eyes.

  14. Tlizerz

    I’d call the Bored set more of a tomato red.

  15. rnydam

    Hi! Any new ETA on the videos for the Kickstarter backers? Thanks!

  16. Camaro5690

    The wall looks orange regardless of the color of the shirts. Something weird going on with the lighting or possibly the sheen of the pain reflecting color from behind the camera.

  17. PamiS

    The orange-ier warm red (or tomato as someone called it) is on-brand to your new “store” because it matches the walls and, presumably, product packaging and such. Stores don’t just have any shade of red or blue in their uniforms, they match the logo and paint scheme of the store.

    If the too-close color causes a problem during filming (cameras losing focus, for instance): After Rowan “loses” his employees a few times by them blending into the walls, a black or white yoke or piping or other trim could be added?

  18. Raeje Draeka

    I like the red blue one. Needs less blue though. Maybe bring back the white shirt to end all of the frustration. Who knows where that will lead…

  19. Faultty

    I hope they match perfectly, so you can do a skit about hiding from the boss when he has an unpleasant task to hand out, and one of them hides against the wall πŸ™‚

  20. Warriors025

    I’m sad there wasn’t a modeling comment… also I wish for the kickstarter rewards the red shirt was an option! That would’ve been awesome. Keep being amazing VLDL! πŸ™‚

  21. Sarianna6420

    I can’t recall, but when was the update gunna be for the mural wall??

  22. Aelyndis

    The walls to me are more of a orange red or just burnt orange in the video. Red is so hard to make true red on camera, it’s like a filter system, but digital. The eye naturally sees in 4-8k depending on movement, so I feel for you guys and this difficult time to find a true red shirt that compliments the walls! Thank you for taking the time and remembering the small details!

  23. Sindraug

    Sorry, Adam, but that shirt is redder, not bluer. LOL. The redder shirts look better, by the way.

  24. VoyagerOps

    Here’s an idea. Change the color of the walls!

  25. BM013

    Stick with your gut. I have no whitty coment. Look forward to the new videos

  26. TheNakash

    The dark red was the best methinks.
    Also, once you peasants FINALLY stock those shelves, it will be much easier to notice you regardless.

  27. zemiacsik

    I would go the other way when the background is darker one or more faded color for contrast, but yeah a dark web ehm mode user here.

  28. Gundercn

    The new studio really needs one of rowans casual fridays, ie nude fridays. Adam would get a kick out of it

  29. Marc-W

    I used to work in a QC lab at a paint factory so I definitely get all the colour shade stuff. I thought the Blue shade one looked best on camera.

  30. thubar

    Eww not the orange! Stick with the dark red shirts

  31. trumpster

    you should allow them to blend into the wall, so when Karen or another bad customer comes back they can stand against the wall and just .. shade away.

  32. Blacktizzie

    Either exactly the same colour as the walls, or completely different, maroon maybe, a slight shade difference would be really jarring. With hindsight maybe the wall and shirt colours should have been worked out togetherly. I am not being snide, nobody thinks of EVERYTHING, and I am the one who spent ages looking for my glasses today, while having them on my face! I am getting more and more excited the closer you get to completion, you have worked hard for your success, and you have a really loyal fanbase worldwide, not bad for three lads with a vague idea and the guts to make a go of it. There are other sites with a similar theme (D&D based, for example) but none with as varied and inventive content as your own. I never have, and prolly never will, become a patron of anything like this again, but your enthusiasm, creativity and commitment impressed me muchly. I still watch all your stuff on a regular basis – starting with Beached, which still impresses.

  33. fearsomegnome

    More Red! LOL
    I want to stroll into the store and know what level of employee I’m dealing with.
    In all seriousness though, probably a little bit shinier of fabric would help you not blend in with the walls as much.

  34. snabbott

    If you get just the right shade, Rowan can camouflage himself against the wall, just waiting for an opportunity to say, “That’s a pay cut!”

  35. Roxy Sky Land

    I feel like you need a shirt version of the paint tabs for when you paint your house.

    1. EvilBere

      Because it is not Playtech anymore.

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