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Studio Journey: Blog #17 – Studio update

Hey backers! Sorry for the lack of updates recently – it’s been all the nitty gritty boring stuff happening but things are beginning to take shape in the studio now – woooo!

This Post Has 55 Comments

  1. Jonat

    Great to see walls going up, very exciting! It’s just a shame Pinkwood is so expensive!

    1. Michael_pilot

      They could come to my house, there is a forest that looks like this: the trees have rectangular trunks too, except that they are not pale pink but orange with green dots.

    2. Straymuttstrut

      Took a few days for the e-mail to reach the States about the blog update so this comment (written on the 12th of December) will probably be unseen in the New Zealand blog post until approximately the 15th. This is how the internet works.

    3. silentjudgment

      Holy crap, fellas! Everything is coming together nicely! πŸ™‚

  2. Sarianna6420

    I am so happy to see it all coming together for you guys!!! Have a happy holiday break YOU DESERVE IT!!!!! can’t wait to see more content and the dnd tavern πŸ˜€

  3. Mk22

    Looking great! We have blue wood from blue trees here in Oz though…

  4. Veelasiren

    I see glimpses of people working in the background. Progress on the studio literally as they were speaking

  5. KageWolf

    pretty sure the building type wood down here in Florida is from purple trees, the rest is palms lol. great to see things moving forward, can’t wait to see more.

  6. Lishe

    Woohoo progress!!! So since we see framing, does that mean you guys finally decided on the width of all the door openings? Seriously though, looking forward to seeing you guys in the studio in the New Year!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. DragonsAreHungry

    ItΒ΄s so nice to see progress! And good on you to finalize the door width! Starting to look really dingo! Enjoy the holiday!

  8. TreehouseTavern

    That shit’s dingo!

    Excited to see it all come together over the next year!

    1. J. Archer

      So awesome!!! Really excited for you guys, thanks for bringing us along for the ride!

  9. SunnyZ

    That shit’s Dingo, man!
    So glad your dreams are coming true, can’t wait to see how the new space will help you grow!

  10. khor

    rowan alan adam wish u guys the best in life… it is really nice to see that you are having fun at the new place. so happy for you and vldl family… i hope the opening can be sensational and consider vldl-con type event, fans can come dressed as their fav vldl characters

  11. MotoMaximus

    Looking good! πŸ‘πŸ‘

  12. Grdiang3l

    I also need to know if the doors are 3 or 3.5…

  13. tamarok

    Maybe need to drop a Pink Wood tree into a skit?

    1. Maelstrom88

      Seconded. Azerim needs a forest of pinkwood trees. Maybe part of a seasonal event.

  14. NinaRuna

    It looks amaaaaaaaaaaazing! I am so happy, my Twitchname will be on a wall there.
    So happy for you, guys, its great!

  15. fearsomegnome

    All I can say is that shits dingo!
    Also, just got my kickstarter gifts and the map of Azerim. That shit is dingo too. πŸ˜†

  16. Clockwith4Hands

    Great to see it moving along. Excited to see more! Happy your vision is playing out! Thanks for the update!

  17. arguens

    Have you considered doing some construction based skits while you are building up? Use it as an opportunity?

  18. AJman14

    Looking fantastic! Remodeling takes time, but is so worth it. I’m sure you’ve considered this, but sound-proofing foam panels would be great to add in the offices!

  19. Rahul Pal

    The quality will improve a lot in future shows and episodes

  20. spacewolves

    Way cool. It is awesome to see the progress.

  21. stannan

    Coming along! Good to see thanks for the update!

  22. Raeje Draeka

    If you want some blue and green striped star shaped trees you should come to Texas. We have trees of every color. They are only stars though, because everything in Texas is a star. No other shapes exist in Texas.
    I love the pink tree wood though. Great choice. I love to see the studio coming along.

  23. mrvn

    Is it just me, or Adam is really slim in this video, maybe even too slim?

    1. Cludnugget

      It’s probably just all those paycuts.

  24. Altairethayze

    I wonder how many Pinky Pies died to dye that wood pink.

  25. Nyx

    It is so exciting to see the construction happening! You guys must be so proud and excited ^_^

  26. silentjudgment

    Whoops replied to top comment instead of leaving my own…lol.

    Holy crap, fellas! Everything is coming together nicely! πŸ™‚

  27. JenaJinx

    Looks awesome! Pinkwood is so exclusive! Wow how lucky you are to get some! Can’t wait to see the next phase of the build. Thanks for the update πŸ˜€

  28. Lady BeX

    Super exciting! Hope you all have an amazing Christmas, you deserve a break!

    I’m off to google pink wood πŸ˜‚

  29. Dacusx

    I wanted to apply for junior editor job. Now I’m worried.

  30. DisownedPuppy

    nice to see it’s coming along! πŸ™‚ looking forward to the daily updates!

  31. StoneWolf

    This pinkwood tree is so handy!

  32. lydiaderhake

    So exciting! And you guys are hilarious to watch. Adam and Rowan being weirdos and Alan just standing there! Where’s our December update? (I know, you said there won’t be one, but there should be anyway.)

  33. EnragedLemming

    So, I have contacted your β€œsupport” people numerous times. I have been told that my supporter items are on the way each time but with no tracking number and no online or emailed updates and I still don’t have my items. They provide no time frame, but I read on the post here that most people have their items. Is there anyone who can just give me an honest update? I’m not trying to be a jerk, just am trying to get an updated on when to expect them because I am excited to receive them.

  34. Bob

    Thanks for the update, love logging in once a month and checking for updates πŸ™‚

  35. astrodominous

    It’s all coming together nicely! Slowly, but nicely. So great to see the progress, especially above the hallway. Can’t wait to see the finished studio,it’s going to be so beautiful!

  36. Cludnugget

    It’s quite early and I’m fairly hung over.
    This is my excuse for the fact that you guys nearly had me googling the New Zealand Pinktree at the beginning of this video πŸ˜…

  37. Jaigyn

    12 editors? Bah! You need to learn how to stack them, you’ll triple the amount of workers you can cram into there! πŸ˜›

  38. CuwickTheBluff

    hahaha internet goes mental with “define New Zealand pinkwood” searches.

  39. Wixenstyx

    Incredible soundproofing! I couldn’t hear a thing! πŸ˜‰

  40. harlekwin

    Prompted to ask for a quick new update after Adam models the new β€œopen air” loo block in FB.

  41. Fenrir Wolfganger

    Sadly, having watched Zootropolis I know the pink wood was bought from a fox and was previously used for Elephant Popsicles. But at least everyone made a profit.

  42. Tuatha

    Can’t fool me with that pink tree nonsense. I grew up with a jack of all trades/Electrician father πŸ˜€ and i of course was daddy’s little girl πŸ˜›

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