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Studio Journey: Blog #16 – Preview of new ‘Bored’ store brands

Hey backers!

It’s been a while since the last update – and it’s not because nothing has been happening – a LOT has been happening. However, it’s been a lot of the technical stuff that doesn’t make for very exciting blog updates.

We do have a sneak peek to show you though! With the new Bored set at the studio, we’ll be creating the entire ‘shop’ from scratch. That includes all the ‘products’ that will be used and ‘sold’ in the store.

So we’ve created our very own tech brands and here’s a little peek at what two of them look like!

First up, we’ve got Azerim! This fictional brand includes a snazzy mouse:

And another fictional brand called Saberocity! This range includes a set of desktop speakers:

There are more brands to come, and more products within these brands too!

What do you think of these mock-ups? Which is your favourite brand/design?

This Post Has 77 Comments

  1. OddOldOne

    Dammit, now I want an official Azerim mouse too. This is super sensible for you to do, so that you can avoid being unpaid advertisers and/or be accused of favoring certain brands. Both designs are cool!

    1. Jason.l

      They both look great. Can i get an Azerim Nawor Mouse and a set of Saberocity Speakers? Mine are getting old.

    2. rpmurphey

      That mouse is a Redragon M602 RGB Wired Gaming Mouse. You guys could get in contact with the manufacturer and see if you can get a rebranded on and actually sell them.

  2. antrad

    Perfect opportunity for product placements though, I am sure Apple will pay a good dollar πŸ˜€

    1. Josef Hallberg

      As long as there’s no gaming on the Apple devices. Apple might not like the advertisement they might be getting then…

  3. chrismcb

    Do you have any flat clickers?

      1. Raeje Draeka

        I want that Azerim mouse. What a perfect brand name. That is a beautiful design too. Such great work. It’s that fancy new office you have for the art department. The artist are in their art nests and ready to art. I am super excited to see the rest of the Bored set. You guys really are the best.

      2. Airmanbigc1980

        They HAVE to make mouse pads with the Flat Clicker name brand!

    1. Jim michel

      I second this idea. I would love to see one of the products labeled as a flat clicker. especially if its never referenced just a background prop

  4. Janessa

    Love that you’ve chosen to use Azerim as a brand! Hope there will be other Easter Egg product names and call backs to other skits… fingers crossed to see flat clickers, scented candles, gaming catheters, and backwards-compatible products on the shelves.

  5. Christina Jansdotter

    Still not getting any mails… but then it’s probably Wednesday where you are now, so maybe I’ll get one next Tuesday? Not a big deal though.

    Looks like you’re taking this opportunity to turn Bored more into your own thing in every way. It was very charming the way the series was set in an actual store with actual RL brands, but I guess this is better legally. I hope you’ll still be able to do sponsored skits though; I love how you always make them like a normal video around the sponsored thing and not just “this episode is sponsored by…” tacked on.

    I’m very much looking forward to the change/expansion in your “universe”. Anything Epic NPC Man/Skycraft/Azerim is my favourite (but especially the D&D campaign!) and it’ll be interesting to see how you connect the new stuff to the old. How about the characters from the Dev series buying their computer things at this new store, or Baradun knocking on the monitor from the inside and critcizing the devs for something they’re doing with the game?

    Whatever you’ll end up doing, I’m sure it’s going to be amazing!

  6. Veelasiren

    The props/art departments must be having so much fun

  7. TreehouseTavern

    Chrismcb makes a good point, flat clickers are necessary.

    Also, surprised Rowan hasn’t designed any hardware for his “girls can be gamers too” campaign

  8. ImperatrixDea

    Will you still be calling it PlayTech?
    How about TechPlay?

    1. Michael_pilot

      Oh yes ! It reminds me of an old sketch where the brand “Brother & Brother” had paid a lot to change its name, to now be called “Brother & Brother”. The decision to put the 2nd brother before the first one was not easy to make!

      1. khios

        Looks fantastic. So your not going to film at playtech any more? I can’t wait to see the finished results!

    2. khios

      Playtech is a actual store. If you check out playtech and vldl playtech has a story about how vldl started filming there πŸ™‚ would be a dick move imo to change the name (just my opinion obviously πŸ™‚ )

    3. khios

      Unsure if my reply to you worked properly lol.

    4. DragonsAreHungry

      They said on streams before that they will not continue with Playtech, for legal reasons, it would not be OK to basically impersonate the brand. Until they were using the real Playtech store, it was OK, but now that they have their own, it would be legally impossible or VERY hard to keep the brand. They will come up with a new brand, I guess they already have the name, but of course donΒ΄t want to spoil it. πŸ™‚

  9. Michael_pilot

    The boxes are completely realistic.
    However, it makes me feel weird to see ‘Azerim’ as a brand name. It would be like having a brand called New Zealand or Germany: it sounds a bit strange. But it might be marked “The best-selling scented candles in all of Azerim!”, “Speakers recommended by the dragon of ScharmgonrΓΆg!”

    1. TreehouseTavern

      You make a good point, but in the world of Bored, Azerim is a setting for the Skycraft video game. So it would make more sense for there to be a different brand that makes gaming hardware, and maybe they have an “Azerim Edition” model for their keyboard or mouse or flat clicker, as a collab.

  10. DansBeau

    How about a brand called “Bodger” ;o)

  11. The Gregolas

    That depends can I get an Azerim flat clicker to go with my Azerim mouse? Love it guys! Can’t wait to see what else y’all got up your sleeves!

  12. The Gregolas

    Y’all should work to eventually create the Skycraft game, I’d love to play it and talk to all the great npc’s of EpicNPC Man!

  13. JvercaMC

    ooooohhhh yeeeeaaaa Cannot wait for the Merch opportunities from this for the future

  14. nfspeedy

    I foresee…
    Baelin’s fish rod – mousepads looking like a pond (maybe some green led) with mouse bungee, e.g. the fish rod
    Baradun Soundblaster Magic – Headphones with Baradun magic design (Led and some lightning or portals on the speakers)
    Greg’s house – Little speakers, probably portable for travel (you know, the ones with USB and 3.5mm jack you connect to your laptop or even the ones with USB power from a source and Bluetooth connection) again with some decoration to hint to Greg and his “merchant’s dream palace” πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€
    Bodger’s anvil – something to put your feet on under your desk – I am thinking about those hammocks for under the desk, but something more cubical in shape and hinting at Bodger’s anvil or Bodger’s leather belt or something… no nipples Rowan! Alan – tell him!
    Britt’s armour – cable organizers refering to her chain armour (Sorry Britt)

    If you need a name for some hardware – write me an email, I will be more than happy to help (for free).

    Thank you guys for being awesome and always boosting my good mood right when I start to feel down.
    <3 much love! GLHF

  15. h121

    Amazing! Looking forward to the line of Neb brand flatclickers πŸ™‚

    Greets from Finland btw

  16. Andy

    Very nice! Those look legit. I’ve been designing fake logos and brands for fictional companies in a videogame I’m designing, and it’s hard work. I’m impressed with what you guys have done, and I love it that you’re putting in such detail for your props. Huge respect!

  17. Sqrl

    Will we also see Azerim as a display game in the background?

  18. k995

    Please make an actual flat clicker and gaming catheter

  19. Ghuy

    Sorry, but I’m waiting for the Saberocity 530 series.

  20. Cogenstadt

    Looks great, can’t wait to see skits on the new set! I’d love to see more blog posts, even “boring” ones. “Technical stuff that doesn’t make for very exciting blog updates” is a good summary of my interests, haha.

  21. Vermouth

    Oh you have to include names from the D&D campaign. There are so many golden nuggets!

  22. BZM

    Awesome! Can I have them in exchange for exposure?

  23. Springsteen

    They look awesome! Where can one purchase the boxes? LOL! Would make great shelf memorabilia. :o) Keep up the fantastic work!

  24. grythorn

    I like the idea of an Azerim edition rather than as a brand. You could always anagram it-Mizera flatclicker, Azerim edition; designed for the backwardly challenged.

  25. AJman14

    Those both look really cool. Fantastic design!

  26. waxwing

    Saberocity is an AWESOME brand name! I’m surprised no one else had thought of it before. I third the idea of an “Azerim edition” since Skycraft already has a place in the “Bored” universe. The packaging design for both brands looks terrific. Kudos to the people that worked on it.

  27. Heckdude

    Hey can I get someone to look at my Imac Gaming Computer?

  28. jorisa

    Love how you have a speaker set while you litteraly just made a pubg vid about the importance of directional sound from headsets lol

    1. Andrew.mcqueen

      Maybe VLDL could do an awesome x-referenced bored skit about this – so like a customer walks into the store and says he wants to buy speakers, then the sales person talks him around into headphones. OR you could have Karen walk in and demand to speak to the manager because her son was dying all the time in XYZ rpg because couldn’t tell where the enemy is combing from. She blames the quality of the speakers then Alan and Adam calm her down and tell her that she needs directional headphones and then when she tries them on it blows her mind and she walks out a happy costume (for once).

      1. DragonsAreHungry

        ooooh, I like that Karen idea! Submit it to them! They have a link for submissions.

  29. Altairethayze

    Will your new store accept Monopoly Money as a form of payment?

  30. Gyver5681

    Amazing, I love it. Would love to see some games on the store shelves, maybe Skycraft, with Baradun on the box cover. Going to need some other hardware brands for internal components. Could try using anagrams of the vldl crew and staff. Between the two, I like the graphic for the Azerim mouse more, but I’m not sure about using Azerim as the name, since it’s already established as the fictional world that Skycraft uses. Might be some IP issues in the fictional world. Then again, that may provide some fuel for some storytelling drama.

  31. ScottAstr

    Wait a second. This was somebody’s job to make these?? I’ve been making fake packaging for things in my free time for years and I could have been getting paid for it?? Is this part of the props department or graphics or what? Dammit. I need to update my resume and change my career.

  32. Tayra

    I concur with Azerim sounding better as an edition/model, rather than the brand. There was a suggestion to name the brand Mizera… sounds legit. Pronounced my-ZEH-ruh? I’d buy that as an actual brand name.

    I really like the Saberocity logo tho. Pointy, evocative of both stabby blades *and* movement. Nice.

  33. NinaRuna

    We need Flatclickers and other shit too …. AND WE WANT TO BUY IT!

  34. hershco

    Lemme know if you guys ever want a little extra brainstorming around your Bored brands! I’ve been a branding wonk for the past 30+ years and have created – literally – a number of household names. Contact me for more info, but know that I’m willing to apply my particular set of skills on behalf of VLDL gratis because I love you jamokes!

  35. stannan

    Like you are creating your own mock ups. Will you still be calling it Playtech? Hate to see that name go. I’m sure you could work something out with the real store?

  36. tpsutphin

    hmmmmm, I don’t see anal bum covers anywhere…troubling.

  37. Andrew.mcqueen

    I get that you want to create some new products, but why not use real products and real brands as well? It would be weird not having Alan, Adam and Rowan no longer referencing the new β€œSteel series” shipment and so on. To me it seems like the perfect opportunity to make some money from this because you could charge brands to have their product placement in your stores (a higher tier could include referencing the brand name in certain skits). I think it would be cool for everyone watching too to hear them mentioning real brands.

  38. Samboys

    Does this mean we will be getting Nala and Eille series of products too?

  39. DragonsAreHungry

    OMG I LOVE both designs and brands! The designs are absolutely professional! CanΒ΄t wait for your reveal of the new store name! πŸ™‚

  40. Josef Hallberg

    Baelin’s anti-phishing software…?

  41. bananas

    Need lots of hidden memes and Easter eggs on the boxes. And not just some boring old mock-ups like they do in film etc.
    Do funny descriptions for them instead of high dynamic desktop speakers.

    And of course do a package for a flat clicker and for all snapple (Apple products) have descriptions like ugh no one games on snapple or ugh I wanna punch you for looking at this box.

  42. FlailingFlumph

    One small thing, Azerim does happen to sound fairly similar to Azeron, which is a company producing gaming peripherals. Other than that, they look amazing and its a brilliant idea to avoid having companies get annoyed at brand favouritism

  43. Blacktizzie

    I’d go with the darker green/blue one. The other green is suggestive of another brand. Love the idea, you need your own brand for Bored I hope Playtec stays part of the Bored series, I’d miss it, but stocking with your own “brand” goods is a great idea. Great merch ideas. When you get world famous and Elon Musk rich don’t lose your enthusiasm, I’d hate it if you ever grew up.

  44. SaburaZera

    I love the idea! Don’t forget to put a trademark on your product names, otherwise there will be hundreds of different “Azerim” mouses around the market πŸ™

  45. CanadianDwarf

    Favorite brand has to be the Azerim one. Mostly because for some reason I can hear a version of Alan’s line from epic npc man “greetings adventurer you’ve got mail”.

  46. Silberfisch

    That opens up a lot of opportunities for some great easter eggs. Awesome!

  47. Bendixt

    16,8 million color rgb mouse? Now I am in choice paralysis! D:


  48. Wixenstyx

    Gonna rebrand items and sell them? πŸ˜‰ My kids would go nuts for that mouse.

  49. andrewluigi725

    Why not just get brands to sponsor you guys πŸ™‚

    1. Salem

      If the deal gets canceled, the product placement is still all over old episodes. Free advertising for them, no benefit to VLDL.

      Especially problematic if said advertiser says/does something incredibly problematic.

  50. Salem

    “it’s been a lot of the technical stuff that doesn’t make for very exciting blog updates.”

    I respectfully disagree. I was hoping for all that technical stuff.

  51. Christoph

    Even if it is fictional – where can I buy it?
    And can I pay with fictional money?
    But for real, that could be a whole planet for merch to sell. It shouldn’t be hard to find hardware partners for it.

  52. Zenmaker

    I need a new set of desk speakers. I’d pay damn good money for some of those sweet sweet Saberocity speakers!

  53. DarkDragon2PT

    i look stupid now … i just seen the speakers and i was googling it … didnt realize it was fake for the set xD

  54. DutchessWilma

    Haha, that’s great! You should give some kudos to the designer of those boxes/ “brands”!

  55. SoftCrisps

    Time for Razer to pony up with a brand deal on the Azerim series of gaming mice

  56. tommhans

    That shit’s so dingo! they really do look good

  57. Helo-XIII

    I’d like to see mousepads being called flat-clicker on the box

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