You are currently viewing Studio Journey: Blog #15 – Officespace Render Images

Studio Journey: Blog #15 – Officespace Render Images

Hey everyone!

We got the renders back for our VLDL office space inside the new studio. It’s basically the design concepts of what the space will look like, and we wanted to share these with you!

VLDL Open Plan office (where people like Ellie will work)

Here is what it looked like before (Top) & halfway through the demolition (Bottom):

And when you swing around 180 degrees to look down the other way, this is what we are expecting it to look like!

The editors will sit in the offices that go down the left hand side, straight ahead is ‘The Bored Room’ meeting room, and to the right is a place for podcasting.

Before photo + demolition photo:

As you can see, it’s going to be a dramatic change! And we are super excited 😀

Thanks again for your support and we hope you’re enjoying following the journey.

This Post Has 60 Comments

  1. Jynx

    Would love to see synchronized perspective of the before, after, and rendered images! Would really get the feeling of change/progress across!

  2. TreehouseTavern

    Wow! I love how open everything feels! Looks like such an accessible layout. Also, is this a soft announcement of an upcoming VLDL podcast??

  3. PierceH

    Looks awesome! Can’t wait to see more future renders especially of the sets.

  4. NikNak

    Wow! It looks so great. Really starting to get a feel for the space.

  5. Christina Jansdotter

    Looking beautiful! Big, airy, bright, modern… the perfect creative workplace… for extroverts! If I worked there, I’d have to drop a teaspoon or two so I could get some time to myself!

    I do have one for he complaints pile, though: in the beginning I used to get an email every time you posted, but most of the time now I don’t. (I check my junk mail every day.) There was one at some point in the middle, so I thought you’d changed some settings, but now it’s been nothing again for a while. Could you please have one of your low socio-economic peasants have a look at it?

    1. Michael_pilot

      I confirm, when I receive an email, it’s days after the publication

      1. sid3windr

        Yes, confused to see comments from 5th of Oct under this, as I just got the notification for new content in my mailbox…

      2. DragonsAreHungry

        Adam said earlier that the emails are sent once a week on a Tuesday, if there was any new blog in the previous week. 😉

  6. 2001faultline

    It’s really coming together nicely. Can’t wait to see it furnished. Very excited for you all!!

  7. Kickinbacktostart

    I can’t help but imagine the colors of those walls when it’s all finished. VLDL colors splashed about, wall wrap with VLDL series printed on them and all that. I imagine it will be a fairly fun looking office space by the end. Still so much more of the building left to see after the remodel. Looking good.

  8. Roar

    I think it is safe to say “Viva La Dirt League: The Demolition of All” has ended, and so begins “Viva La Dirt League: The Trial of Five Designers”. Loving the journey, and I eagerly await the conclusion of this epic series!

  9. The Mighty Paolo

    Looks good! Be sure to foresee some smaller meeting rooms or calling rooms, where people can go to have phone calls or Telcos without disturbing all the others sitting in the open space… open office space is good for cooperation and space requirements but not so easy when all people there are talking on the phone 🙂

  10. EdgarE316

    This is gonna be great once complete. To all the creative minds who created VLDL this is a huge step forward. Well deserved. Thanks for all the fun content through out the years. Happy to be a part of this. VLDL Greatness keeps on growing

  11. Tuatha

    I like how you guys are opening it up and creating more space!

  12. PamiS

    Count me in as another who just got the email announcement maybe an hour ago, basically a week late?

    The design looks great!

  13. BlackRose

    I can’t see tavern renders anywhere!!

  14. Lishe

    WOW! Renderings make it even more real! So excited to see more.

  15. CuwickTheBluff

    Wow that top main office space looks heaps better with that 80’s style hole covered over!

  16. Altairethayze

    Can’t wait for the final tour after everything is done! You guys deserve this.

  17. JediMasterChino

    it all looks great proud to be a small part of all this. i cant wait for all the content you guys will be making now

  18. CaptainGoodThrust

    Fantastic! Well done 😀

  19. Pieburn

    Inspirational guys, Just bloody brilliant

  20. KermMartian

    Nice renders! I can’t wait to see how the rest of the finished space might look.

  21. lazjen-gugglebun

    To be honest, I’m not a big fan of open plan office spaces. I’ve worked in a few over the years and it’s amazing how noisy they can be (especially with phone calls as The Mighty Paolo mentioned), which isn’t good if you are trying to concentrate on a task. However, they do help with air flow and light – so pros and cons. I am enjoying following your progress and very much looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.

  22. InkedAnarchist

    You went with Bored Room! Woohoo!

  23. CompactDisc

    Just a heads up: Open offices reduce work happiness and productivity.
    When the researched firms switched to open offices, face-to-face interactions fell by 70%.
    That’s a pretty sad metric. Make sure you keep an eye on your crew guys.

  24. Monty_Hawk

    It looks pretty, but sorry, I would hate to work in it. Open space looks great and but is soul sucking. I have worked in many places with many people and open space has always been terrible. CSIRO even had to investigate adding white noise through the air conditioners at an incredible cost. IMAS were looking to do the same, they had to purchase phone boxes for $25k or more to allow for private conversations. Studies are showing that it reduces collaboration and makes people feel more isolated and frustrated with co-workers.

    But it does look pretty, it just wouldn’t feel nice, even though architects like the lobotomy (featureless open look) and tend to push it to the detriment of the group.

    1. waxwing

      Your comment is very informative. I’m feeling torn. On the one hand, I love all the light that the new design brings in and the way the lines flow. It’s an interesting contrast with the old office space, which was jumbled-looking and dark, even with windows. But I have real reservations about open space. Open space seems to be one of those concepts that sound so awesome in theory but is terrible in practice

      1. Monty_Hawk

        Yeah it is weird. Natural light and open windows are fantastic, but open space isn’t about those things . You can still have that with small shared offices (max 4 I would suggest). But open space doesn’t allow for individuals. People work differently. When concentrating I like to read out loud, which of course is very distracting to others. Some people love to come in and get to work, while others love to have a morning coffee chat before diving in. Some people drown out others with headphones, which makes them more isolated than ever. Some jobs need phone calls, which can be distracting if you are attempting analysis or research.

        Open space tends to assume we all work the same, think the same, and thrive in the same environment. It completely ignores any motivating factors, except looking pretty, which gets old very quickly.

        The last place I worked with open space was a university building, we actually had someone stand up and yell to a colleagues to be quiet, not because they were rude, but because their frustration levels had reached peak and they had different deadlines (we were actually shocked and quiet concerned as it was so out of character) . Our PhD candidates only attended when they had to do research in the lab or talk to their academic lead, because that hated it so much. They then submitted surveys saying they were lonely, both on campus and off. It was truly awful.

        That building won numerous architecture awards.

  25. Teemto

    Higher ceiling and more light makes the space look bigger. Looking good.

  26. Christina Jansdotter

    Got the mail today, thanks! Just to clarify: some people say they’re getting the mail late, I didn’t get any mail before (except in the very beginning of the blog) even though there had been several posts. I found the posts through either seeing somebody mention them in comments somewhere, or deciding to check myself after it had been a couple of weeks with no mails. But now it seems it works, so Yay! Following this studio building experience brings me so much joy and excitement! You’re all so amazing and deserve only the best in your creative journey ( and life in general, of course!)!

  27. redwes

    To add to the others– I also get this email extremely late, which is less than ideal. I end up checking the site myself from time to time due to missing posts.

  28. AvarianCA

    So excited to see this come to life. Having worked on a number of large renovations at the university I work for, I love to see the concept come into reality. I also find it interesting to see what doesn’t make it from the planned renders to the actual space. Thanks for taking us on this journey with you!

  29. TheNakash

    Looking good!! Excited to see it done!! =]
    Also, you have a typo, it’s supposed to be: “where PEASANTS like Ellie will work”

  30. DrDysfunction

    But where will Ben sleep? Does he have to share a bunk with Hamish?

  31. Raeje Draeka

    I love those renders. It looks like the studio is going to be amazing once everything is done. I’m excited to see everything up and running. You guys have come so far. Your journey still has far to go yet. The studio is just another step in your rein of power. POWER I SAY!

  32. BrilLeahnt

    I’m sure the guys have a few places where you can work more privately or in a more varied style, just might not be this section of the building.

    Gotta say I work open plan and it’s good, we have little pod type places for private work/calls.

  33. Squid26

    Can’t Wait to see the finished product. Looking good everyone.

  34. TreehouseTavern

    While I definitely understand the reservations about open space plans, I currently work in an open space office. I love it. The amount of light is great, having an open area is awesome. Our company culture is fantastic though so I feel comfortable walking over and having conversations with anyone. The biggest issue, I think, is if you try to cram too many people together. Unless I am having a conversation, I mostly never have a coworker closer than 50 ft from me. I can usually play music softly and no one is close enough to notice. We have small meeting rooms on the sides for meeting spaces of 1-4 people. It’s great. I hope they find similar success with it!

  35. astrodominous

    Woah that looks amazing! I love how much light is there, and it’s so open and spacious! I actually prefer the open plan to small rooms or cubicles. I see a lot of negativity here about that, but I’m pretty sure it was discussed beforehand with people who will work there, if they want an open office or not. ^^

  36. codyf2006

    I’m ready to see a new update!

  37. ttaptt

    So smart to get rid of that massive staircase and just have a utilitarian one instead, added a ton of room!

  38. Guisso14

    So is this place eventually going to turn into something like universal studios or Disney world?

  39. Wixenstyx

    I’m binging all of these at once this week, so I’m seeing it all like a big movie. 😉 Happy you all found a space you love and are having such a great time with it!

    I’m not sure my own opinion of open plan office spaces makes much of a difference, but I’ve worked in 2-3 shared spaces and in my experience it really comes down to the people, not so much the design. Most people can work anywhere if they feel valued, find their work meaningful, and are empowered to sort out what works best for them (i.e. headphones, standing desks, etc.). You all probably know your team well enough by this point to have frank discussions around what people need to function well.

    Looks like you’re doing away with the Wobble Lamp thing. 😉 I’m not sure if that makes me sad or not, but I do want to curl up with my laptop and work in that sunny window space.

  40. Jebaque

    If only the rendered people were VLDL characters…

  41. tamarok

    Any considerations for putting any skylights into the offices, for some natural lighting?

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